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Feature of the Day: Rewrite Report Deployment Wizards

Rewrite Report Deployment Wizards

Why this feature is cool!

The deployment of the SSRS and Excel reports becomes an integrated option of creating the Microsoft Dynamics GP system and company databases in Dynamics Utilities. The admin will no longer need to install and run a separate program on the SSRS or SharePoint server in order to deploy the reports. When creating the system database the admin will select to deploy the reports and provide the report location, which may be on a remote server. After that the report location is saved and deploying reports for each new company becomes simply a confirmation that the reports should be deployed for the company. The admin will no longer need to select the series they want reports deployed for, instead the reports for the installed products will be automatically deployed. During the company upgrade process in Dynamics Utilities, the deployed reports for the company will be automatically upgraded.                    

The admin may also choose to deploy the reports from within Microsoft Dynamics GP as well. The admin would use this option if they were not ready to deploy the reports at the time of creating the databases in Dynamics Utilities, if they want to deploy to a different location or they need to re-deploy the reports.

The process is available to ISVs for deploying their reports.

What does it look like?

(Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > System > Reporting Tools Setup)

Dynamics Utilities