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Microsoft Worldwide ISV contest


Michael Walsh asked me to mention this on my blog again. Frankly, I'm more than happy to do so, as it's my Microsoft that's stepping up again to do the right thing. So I (Georgeo Xavier Pulikkathara) am calling for ISVs worldwide to join  the Ingenuity Point Contest. Microsoft wants to make you famous. If you're working on software to make our world a better place to live, then you need to be in this contest. This is your chance to share your innovative solution within healthcare, education, or environment.  It's also a chance to position your company as an industry leader, and introduce your technology solutions to a larger audience.



If you win, here's what you'll get:

Period 1 and 2 Awards
Gold Ingenuity Point Awards
At the end of each contest period, our judging panel will choose their favorite software solution from each of the 3 Verticals. A total of 6 Gold Ingenuity Point Awards will be presented over the course of the year. The recipients of this award will receive:

  • $25,000-$50,000+ in marketing, PR and video production.
  • A video documentary. We'll film a video about your company and the impact your technology is having on the world. This story will be featured in The Ingenuity Point Showcase. There, both peers and prospective clients can check out your great work. This exposure will help establish your company's presence in the worldwide market, and may help you secure new customers!
  • A written feature story. In addition to the video, you'll receive a feature story detailing your successful solution to share with clients.
  • Microsoft marketing exposure. We'll announce winners to our international Microsoft audience.

Platinum Ingenuity Point Award
At the end of the entire contest, we'll name one grand-prize winner from the 6 Gold Ingenuity Point Award recipients. Our Platinum winner receives:

  • A guest judging spot at the Imagine Cup 2008. You'll have the honor of serving as a guest judge for this premier student technology competition in France. This prize package includes roundtrip airfare for 2 to Paris and 7 day/6 night luxury accommodations.
  • Premium marketing exposure. We'll announce your win at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in July 2008, on and in various marketing campaigns. In short, we'll spread the word about the great work you do.


Not bad, eh? So, if this is up your alley, please register now .
