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Detecting Information Card Support (CardSpace!) in a browser

I hacked out this a few weeks back, and never got around to publishing it. I've not decided that this is the 'official' way to detect Information Card support in a browser, but it'll do until I can think of something better.


I'd say something like, "see how it detects support in other browsers too?" except that I'm not thinking many people have a CardSpace plugin for another browser yet. But you can trust me--It works!



   <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">

  function AreCardsSupported ()


     var IEVer = - 1 ;

     if ( navigator . appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' )

       if ( new RegExp ( "MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})" )

. exec ( navigator . userAgent ) != null )

         IEVer = parseFloat ( RegExp . $1 );


     if ( IEVer >= 6 )


       var embed = document . createElement ( "object" );

       embed . setAttribute ( "type" , "application/x-informationcard" );

       if ( "" + embed . issuerPolicy != "undefined" )

         return true ;

       return false ;


     if ( IEVer < 0 && navigator . mimeTypes && navigator . mimeTypes . length )


       x = navigator . mimeTypes [ 'application/x-informationcard' ];

       if ( x && x . enabledPlugin )

         return true ;


     return false ;


   function ShowDetection ()


     if ( AreCardsSupported () )

       alert ( "Information Cards are supported by this browser :D" );


       alert ( "Information Cards are NOT supported by this browser :(" );



   <body onload="ShowDetection()">






Garrett Serack | Program Manager | Connected Identity and Directory| Microsoft Corporationblog:


  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2006
    Garrett shares some of his JS-flavoured wizardry: with that snippet you can&amp;nbsp;find out&amp;nbsp;on the...