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Footy + IE8 makes a tasty webslice

sherrinI love my footy. Anyone that knows me, knows this to be true.

One of the sites I go to all the time is FinalSiren, it’s lightweight and has the info I want to see.

This week, I was emailing the webmaster of the site and I suggested he add a webslice.

Hey, how about doing an ie8 webslice for the current results?????

To enable a WebSlice on your site, just add HTML annotations to your webpage. A WebSlice uses a combination of the hAtom Microformat and the WebSlice format.

<div class="hslice" id="Results">

<p class="entry-title"><h2>Round 2 Results</h2></p>



The spec is here -

it would be SOOOO cool ;)

Well a few days later he replied and let me know that he had done not just one, but two!!



Chris – love your work!


And if you want to do the same, check out these awesome screencasts by our favorite delicategenius

Screencast: IE8 WebSlices in 3 mniutes

Screencast: IE8 Accelerators in 3 minutes

Screencast: IE8 Visual Search Providers with suggestions in 3 minutes

Technorati Tags: IE8,webslice,AFL,FinalSiren
