coming to NYC Jan 30
As I posted recently, I'll be attending some high-performance computing training at Cornell Theory Centre in NY late Jan and will take a few days afterwards to do some R&R in NYC from Jan 30 - Feb 1. Any NYC locals want to show an Aussie around?
- Anonymous
January 09, 2004
Not sure what my schedule would be like, as I'm pretty busy with law school and work, but that might work.
Your R&R period unfortunately falls "between" restaurant week - 26-30 and 2-6.
But I've been trying to organize dinner and drinks for awhile. Let me know if you would be interested in that. - Anonymous
January 09, 2004
actually, I'll be arriving in NY around the 23rd, going up to Ithaca on the 26th, will be back in Manhattan on the evening of the 29th. So Jan 23-25, Jan 29-Feb01 would work for me!