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The Microsoft Advertising adCenter Fall 2010 Upgrade ? Now Available on adCenter API

Microsoft adCenter API Production environment has been updated with the new features and functionalities rolled out in the adCenter Fall 2010 Upgrade. Please note below features are available on API Version 7—it’s a great time to upgrade to version 7 if you haven’t already!

Campaign Control

  • Enhanced search network distribution controls

Included in this release is network distribution functionality for the US and Canada.  Your options are to have your ads appear on…

  • All Bing and Yahoo! search networks and syndicated search partners (the default setting)
  • Only Bing and Yahoo! search syndicated partners
  • Only Bing and Yahoo! sites

Within the campaign management API, the Network Value Set specifies your choice for the network distribution. You set your network distribution at the ad group level by calling the SetNetworksToAdGroups Service Operation.

We expect the Yahoo! ad serving transition to adCenter to begin in mid-October . If you are an existing Yahoo! advertiser you will still need to manage your Yahoo! Search Marketing account until ad serving fully transitions to adCenter in late October.

  • Enhanced website exclusion options available to US and Canadian advertisers mean you'll be able to indicate domains and sub domains that you’d like to exclude at both the ad group and campaign levels for your search ads.  If you choose to have your ads displayed on syndicated search websites, you can use the NegativeSiteUrl element of the Campaign and AdGroup objects to prevent specific websites from displaying your search ads.

Business Insights

  • New campaign analyticswillgive you information about site-visitor activity that occurs as a result of your paid search campaigns—conversions, revenue from conversions, advertising cost, and other site-visitor behavior and you will be able to take advantage of this functionality in API production environment.

Also check out the Microsoft adCenter Campaign Management API Release Notes and to read about all other features included in this upgrade, you can read the announcement on the adCenter Blog.

Also check out the adCenter API Developer Portal page on for all API news and resources

Feel free to leave any questions or comments below, and you can also give us your feedback in the What do you honestly think of adCenter? thread in our forums.