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New SQL Azure Website

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new SQL Azure website -- bookmark this now!  


This new site will improve customer experience with faster discovery of relevant and richer information on SQL Azure. The site will also enable us to effectively target developers and partners and result in better customer satisfaction, drive trials and hence result in paid subscriptions.

We have also enabled WebTrends reporting for the site, and consequently site statistics will be available on a monthly basis. 

Coming soon in Q2! New sites for Azure AppFabric and Codename Dallas!  

 Highlights of the new SQL Azure site:

Ø Easy to navigate new SQL Azure home page

The main SQL Azure home page highlights the most popular content categories and recent blog posts for enhanced discovery and richer experience throughout the site. The dynamic evidence box highlights top quotes and new success stories worldwide. 

Ø Seamless experience across Windows Azure platform service home pages

Customers landing on Windows Azure platform home page will have seamless transition experience between new SQL Azure and Windows Azure platform home pages

Ø New Videos page

We have a new resource page dedicated to training videos on SQL Azure for customers to ramp up. New videos are coming soon! Also, a more interactive and richer videos page will be available in v2 of the site!

Ø Updated messaging and FAQs:
New messaging has been updated on the product overview page. All of the SQL Azure FAQs have been updated for external as well as internal audiences. (Find the Internal FAQs for SQL Azure at //sqlazure.)  

Ø New Community page:
Dynamic blogs and all of the relevant external social media sites are easily accessible in this new community landing environment. 

Ø New Cross links into other Web properties to drive TRIALs :

We have linked our new site linked to several other sites (listed below) to drive traffic to the new site and push trial offers of SQL Azure.

AppPlat site – key technologies

AppPlat site- cloud computing

SQL Server 2008: Solutions

SQL Server 2008: Home/RR downloads section

SQL Server 2008: Trial Download

SQL Server 2008: Express

SQL Server 2008 R2: Coming Soon

Microsoft Express: Downloads

Microsoft Express: Database

