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TechNet Roadshow on Exchange 2010

The New Efficiency

The TechNet Belux team just announced that they will visit 3 cities in Belgium to let you discover the recently launched Exchange 2010. Ilse Van Criekinge will guide you through the product and give an overview of the rich set of technologies related to Exchange 2010 and Outlook 2010.


Register for the session on 8 December 2009 in Brussels

Register for the session on9 December 2009 in Gent

Register for the session on10 December 2009 in Mons


13:30 - 14:00 Introduction in Exchange 2010

In a time, when your organization requires its communication tools to be cost-effective and flexible, Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 enables you to achieve new levels of reliability and performance by delivering features that can simplify your administration help, protect your communications, and delight your users by meeting their demands for greater business mobility.

In this presentation, we will introduce you to Exchange Server 2010 -- the cornerstone of Microsoft’s Unified Communications solution -- and highlight how this latest release can help you realize the new efficiency, by enabling you, with less, to do more.

14:00 - 15:00 Flexible and Reliable Messaging Infrastructure with Exchange 2010

IT organizations are looking for ways to provide a more reliable messaging infrastructure, while reducing their costs and streamlining administration. Using Exchange 2010 is a great way to achieve those goals. In this presentation,  We will explore in more details how Exchange 2010 gives you the flexibility to provide a Reliable Messaging Infrastructure which meets the needs of your organization at a lower cost.

15:15 - 16:15 Information Protection and Control

Based on customer feedback, we focused on e-mail protection and compliance as one our 4 key investment areas in Exchange 2010.  In this session we will show you how Exchange 2010 can help reduce the complexity of this increasingly important workload.  You will get acquainted with using the improved Transport Rules, Moderated Mailboxes, MailTips, and how Information Rights Management is done in Exchange 2010.

16:15 - 17:30 Migration & BPOS

We will walk you through the process for introducing Exchange 2010 servers into an Exchange 2003/2007 organization.  You will learn about the prerequisites, steps required, and the impact to client access for MAPI, Outlook Anywhere, OWA, ActiveSync, and POP/IMAP clients after the upgrade has occurred. In addition, we will introduce you the features provided for Exchange in the cloud, as part of BPOS.


Also check out our related posts on Unified Communications.