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Ignite 2017 - Windows Server 2016 Networking Sessions

It’s almost that time of year, Microsoft’s Ignite event takes place in September, and here are a few of the sessions that focus on Windows Server 2016 networking to help give you an idea of which ones you might want to consider attending, or alternatively, and more likely for the majority, watch online after the fact

Dig deeply into BranchCache: Learning from the experts

BranchCache has been a part of Microsoft Windows since Windows Server 2008R2 and Windows 7, and really taken off in the last year. It helps to reduce the bandwidth consumed and improves end user experience while accessing intranet-based HTTP and SMB content. This session identifies challenges in network performance often faced by remote branch offices which accessing content stored in servers located in DataCenters across trans-continental Wide Area Networks, and how BranchCache helps in addressing these challenges. The session includes details of how this technology works and includes several demonstrations of how this feature behaves in Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 with improved congestion control.


Peer-to-peer is the future: What is Microsoft doing?

Confused about how to tackle Microsoft in a low bandwidth/Internet presence? Confused around the Microsoft messaging for peer-to-peer? Then this session is for you! We outline the current strategy from the Windows Client - Server and Office teams and which direction things are going in. We cover what you can do today, what works well, what does not work so great. This gives a historic background to where we are today and how to benefit from the major improvments that came with Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. We cover how to use P2P to improve productivity and in technologies like: System Center Configuration Manager, Office, Microsoft SharePoint, DO, Store for Business, Low Bandwidth, LEDBAT, and MDT.

Real-world lessons to operationalize your SDN infrastructure

Come and hear firsthand experiences from our customers on planning and deployment of their SDN infrastructure. Learn key best practices to ensure a smooth deployment. This session covers all aspects of SDN deployment and infrastructure, including architectural components, planning, physical network configuration, and packet flows. It walks through topologies and experiences from the customers that the product team most closely worked with.

Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016: Next generation networking

Windows 10 Creators update and Anniversary Update, as well as RS3, brought an exciting array of new transport features. TCP-based communication is used ubiquitously in devices from IoT to cloud servers. Performance improvements in TCP benefit almost every networking workload. The Data Transports and Security (DTS) team in Windows and Devices Group is committed to making Windows TCP best in class. This session covers these new capabilites. Windows is introducing new TCP features for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 releasing summer 2016. In this session we describe key features designed to reduce latency, improve loss resiliency, and to promote better network citizenship.

Modernizing your remote access - the choices and options available

As IT organizations continue the journey with mobility and cloud, one constant pain point is a cohesive remote access strategy that takes into account the shift in the industry as well as takes advantage of it. This session shows how Windows can help businesses take steps towards such a shift.