WinSec - Feb 26: Protecting your I.T. infrastructure in the Vista and Windows Server 2008 Era
The Belgian WinSec UG organizes another event on Feb 26th about Windows 2008 security.
Protecting your I.T. infrastructure in the Vista and Windows Server 2008 Era
In the film `The Matrix', Neo has to choose between taking the blue and the red pill. If he takes the blue pill he will be able to continue in a reality with which he is comfortable because he understands it, but is ultimately a facade. If on the other hand he opts for the red pill everything he has accepted as reality thus far will be altered. He will see the world through new eyes, and most importantly, this new world view may be more troubling than the one he is familiar with. Just as Neo had options in the way he could view the world, so do we in the information security community. This session will try to convince you that this is something we must try to change if we are to achieve greater security, and present you with a more realistic `red pill' world view. Discussion will center on the implications this has for an effective pro-active defense and the solutions Microsoft offers to help you reach an adequate level of protection for today’s I.T. threats. The session will provide a detailed overview of why Windows Server 2008 is a better choice for proactively protecting your I.T. assets against malware. It focuses on the malware prevention, isolation and remediation technologies that are bundled with the Windows Server 2008 operating system.
Speaker: Jan De Clercq - HP
Netpro will close the sessions with an overview of their offering for Windows Server 2008 security.
The UG evening will be closed with a drawing, the lucky winner will receive a free entrance ticket for the Belgian TechDays 2008
When: Feb 26th - Session start 19:00 - Doors Open 18:00
Where: Offices Microsoft Belgium
Register: Send a mail to and specify event attendance.
Technorati Tags: Windows Server 2008,Security,WinSec,Event