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ProExchange UG event Jan 24: How to link your telephony system to your Exchange and/or OCS environment

On Thursday 24 January 2008 ProExchange will host their next Pro-Exchange Event on a topic Microsoft has been busy promoting the last few months: Unified Communications and more importantly we will reveal how to link your telephony system to your Exchange and/or OCS environment!

Here's what to expect:
When? Thursday, January 24th, 2008
Where? Astrid Park Plaza, Antwerp
6.30PM-7PM: Arrival
7PM-7.30PM: Introducing Pro-Exchange & AudioCodes (Actis)
7.30PM-9PM: Break-Out Session
Targeted Audience? All members of
Breakout Session?

We will provide you with a technical overview and practical demos on how to link your telephony system to your Exchange and/or OCS environment.

Want to attend?
You will receive a Pro-Exchange Newsletter beginning next year, including an invitation. But, if you want to make sure you can attend, since space is limited, just click on the link below to secure your spot!

Click here to Send a mail to Ilse Van Criekinge in order to register

Technorati Tags: Unified Communications,Proexchange,Exchange Server 2007