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ProExchange UG event April 24th: E-Mail Archiving and migration from Notes to Exchange

Thursday 24 April 2008 Pro-Exchange Event will host their next event on a topic that quite a lot of you have questions about, namely Archiving, in addition to possible migration steps to transition a Notes environment into a healthy and fully functional Exchange organization!


When? Thursday, April 24th, 2008
Where? Erudict, Groot Bijgaarden

6.30PM-7PM: Arrival
7PM-8.30PM: Break-Out Session
8.30PM-10PM: Q&A&F&D
Targeted Audience? All members of
Breakout Session?

E-Mail Archiving and Migration scenario's from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange Server will be discussed by Luc Van Maele. Products like Autonomy IDOL, Zantaz EAS, and Transvault will be covered!

Want to attend?
You will receive a Pro-Exchange Newsletter beginning next week, including an invitation. But, if you want to make sure you can attend, since space is limited, just click on the link below to secure your spot!

Click here and send Ilse van Criekinge an email that you want to join the event

Technorati Tags: ProExhange,Exchange Server 2007,Zantaz EAS
