Failure happened on 'Sink' side. ErrorCode=UserErrorKeyConflict,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Key Content-Type conflicts in AuthHeaders/AdditionalHeaders,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'
I am trying to post file using rest connector, but it is not allowing to add additional headers for Content-Type - as it is by default applying content-type as application/json, what if, i need to use different content-type. I believe it should be…
Azure Data Factory and DataBricks end-to-end project
my goal is to copy data from ADLS using ADF(copy activity) and connecting that data to databricks to process and analyse the data and after completion I want save the processed data back to the storage account so, I have my dataset in my local system so…
How to fetch the child items within a folder located on azure blob
I am trying to fetch child items of a folder for recursive deletion, so my expectation is to delete the folders within the folder, like if folder A has subfolder B with file b and another subfolder AB has subfolder D, then deleting all items from…
Data Factory - Unable to read zip files from Amazon S3. Error: Central Directory corrupt. Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
I am using Azure Data Factory's Copy activity to read csv containing in zip files in Amazon S3. I am experiencing problems since yesterday about reading only zip files from Amazon S3, other types of files were read all fine (or at least pure csv files).…
How to Call a ORACLE DATABASE PACKAGE from Azure data factory and receive the output of that package.
Team I need to call a ORACLE DATABASE PACKAGE from azure data factory and use its output in other activities but i am not able to call a PACKAGE. Inside the package there are many stored procedures written so i need to call a specific stored procedure…
How to fix "Record not found.." error while trying to insert new row into Dataverse entity using ADF
I have a data factory pipeline that contains a Copy activity with Source as a SQL Server table and Sink as Dataverse entity. The pipeline reads new or existing rows from the table and Upserts into dataverse. However for a new row that does not exists in…
Unable to Create Ondemand Hdinsight Hadoop Clusters in Data factory.
I am trying to create a linked service of HDInsight hadoop Clusters. With Cluster size 4, 1 hour as time to live, Provided service principal Id, Azure Key vault Secret Key, Azure Storage account and a SQL Server in Hcatalog. But I am unable to move…
How to upload the snapshot json into the storage account with Ev2 ARM template?
I'm trying to use the ARM template and EV2 to upload the snapshot json into the blob storage account. Is there any existing template or examples to support this action?
How to copy data from external volume to Oracle
I am trying to copy the parquet files from external volume to Oracle db, but I am facing this issue : Failure happened on 'Sink' side. ErrorCode=UserErrorOdbcOperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=ERROR…

How to dynamically switch database names in Mongo DB Linked Service?
How do i call DATABASES dynamically from a MONGO Database in Azure data factory. When trying to create a linked service for mongo DB it is asking to Hardcode the database name without making it a dynamic content. But we have more than 90 databases…
ADF Dataflow Derive Column transformation toTimestamp is working for constant timezone but not from column
I am finding Azure Data Factory Dataflow Dataflow Derive Column transformation toTimestamp is working for constant timezone but not from column. I want each column to output the date with time adjusted based on the timezone UTC offset. Any suggestions…
Azure DataFactory Hubspot linked service
Dear, We use Azure DataFactory for moving Hubspot data, using the built in Hubspot LinkedService in Azure Data factory. Hubspot announced that on 24th of March 2025 will retire Owners API v2. Link to Hubspot:…
Azure Data Factory ForEach/If - Force Next Iteration
Our organization receives and loads files into an on-prem SQL Server using SSIS packages written in Visual Studio. As part of the file loads, we run a series of validations on the files to insure that certain things are correct - file name, is the file…

ADF Google Ads Linked Service using Service Authentication as the Authentication Type ERROR pkcs8PrivateKey
Trying to access Google Ads data using a Google Ads Service Account, and the ADF Google Ads Linked Service. The linked service "Authentication type" set to "Service authentication". We generated a private key for this Service…
Using Managed Virtual Network Integration Runtime in Data Flows
I have created a Managed Virtual Network Integrated Runtime (MVNet IR) and successfully connected it to Azure SQL. I can access the database through datasets using this runtime without any issues. However, when creating Data Flows using the same datasets…
Reduce Cluster startup time in ADF Dataflow
I have create a ADF pipeline which merge data between source and target in parallel fashion for 18 tables. The table name, database name etc are dynamic and assigned at runtime. The pipeline takes more than 7 min to load data and most time is taken by…
Copy Data Activity with Upsert Operation to MongoDB Not Updating Records
I am trying to use Azure Data Factory's Copy Data Activity to copy data from a CSV file into a MongoDB collection using the upsert operation. However, I am facing an issue where the pipeline run indicates that 4 rows were written, but no records are…
User assigned managed identity with credentials ARM deployment of Data Factory using DevOps
I am trying to deploy Credentials associated with User assigned managed identity to higher environment via DevOps and ARM templates. I get the error: User assigned identity does not belong to the resource you are deploying to I want to parametrize…
Migrating SSIS File validation logic to ADF
I work in an environment where inbound files are loaded into an on-prem SQL Server. We currently use SSIS to loop through these files, performing multiple validations to ensure they are correctly formatted. Our validation process follows a sequential…
Unable to use linked service to blob storage account with Test Connection as "To File Path"
I am trying to create a linked service to Azure blob storage account. I need to use System Assigned Managed Identity for Authentication. No restriction on account selection method. I tried using "From Azure Subscription" (which gets modified to…