Applications and packages deployment status delayed in SCCM console
After deploying applications and packages to the clients, I can see they are installed on the clients. But, the deployment status still shows In Progress rather than Success. The status takes a long time to change. How can I reduce the time of status…
Windows App - macOS- Access has been blocked by Conditional Access policies.
I'm experiencing an issue with the Windows App on macOS after a recent update. A macOS user is unable to access the AVD (Azure Virtual Desktop). I need to whitelist this application, but I can't find it in the Enterprise Applications. I have a…
Synced Info from AD on prem to Azure User Profiles
I need to setup an Enterprise Application in Entra for a SAML/SSO. One of the requirements of the vendor is that we use the ID# of the student as the unique field. We have a hybrid environment. Currently, we typically use an onpremname as the unique…
App Registration for Managed Application
Good morning. I'm currently trying to create an application designed to run natively on Azure App Service leveraging a PostgreSQL Flexible Server, using Entra ID for authentication (with OAuth2) and relying on the Graph API to interact (through…

How to know which permission is missing when I get an error trying to perform an operation with an Azure Managed App VM?
We offer a Managed App through the Azure Marketplace. We want our customers to be able to interactively manage Windows Updates and Backups on the VM deployed when they create an instance of the Managed App. When the customer tries to perform operations…
Managed identity doesn't allow permissions to join subnet, but it's owner on that vnet/subnet
I have an Azure managed application, deployed from the Azure Marketplace with an ARM template and with a managed identity assigned to a VM, that lives in the managed resource group. The managed identity has Owner permissions over the resource group so it…

Trigger force sync in SCIM provisioning
I am using a non-gallery application for user provisioning. Is there a way to trigger a sync immediately when I add/remove a user to the group
SSO - Set HTTP POST Credentials
I feel really dumb for not knowing how to do this, but this is the first time I have been asked to do this when setting up SSO. I am setting up SSO with Sense AI using Entra. We are the IdP. I have already configured single sign-on (SAML) on my end…

How to fix Failed to load response data: No data found for resource with given identifier while accessing from application
How to fix Failed to load response data: No data found for resource with given identifier while accessing from application
Timeline for Release of NEXT GEN Feature for Managed Service in Azure
What is the timeline for the release of the NEXT GEN feature for managed service in Azure? It has been in testing since March 2024. When will it be out of preview mode for general use?
Confused with ResourceId used in SAAS V2 SAAS V2 Resolve API
Hi, I am kinda new in making applications transactable via partner center. Till date i have managed to create a marketplace offer Azure Application -> Managed Application (Not Yet Published), Register my app in azure, obtain a client secret but when i…
Add Synapse Administrator role assgiment for manged identitiy - 403 authorization error
Hey, I am implementing logic that assigns roles in Azure Synapse Workspace. I have the following setup: Marketplace app that deploys resources to customer subscriptions (it has denied assignments) creates Azure Synapse Workspace creates managed…
How to Automate Deployment of Web App Code to App Service After Subscription in Azure Marketplace?
Hi, I have created a web app and successfully deployed it using local Git. My goal is to sell this app via the Azure Marketplace, and I configured the offer so that an App Plan and App Service are created upon subscription. Here’s the situation: The…
Azure Functions Powershell Permissions Error
Hello, I am recieving the following Error when trying to use remove-distributiongroupmember cmdlet in Azure Functions using Managed Identity. I am able to use the same MI to do other Exchange Online module cmdlets such as "set-mailbox" and I…
Currently we are using Microsoft Azure SQL RTM developer edition 100 CAL licensed , my management asking me increase the Existing core values from 1 to 4 , how to do this with out any cost involving , is it possible ? pls share How to increase the cores .
Currently we are using Microsoft Azure SQL RTM developer edition 100 CAL licensed , my management asking me increase the Existing core values from 1 to 4 , how to do this with out any cost involving , is it possible ? pls share How to increase the cores…
My web app keeps crashing and I want to get the NODE JS errors. I don't see App Service logs under monitor, how can I access this logs for errors related top NODE JS?
My web app keeps crashing and I want to get the NODE JS errors. I don't see App Service logs option under monitor as Azure support page describes, how can I access this logs for errors related to NODE JS? Ignore the tags, I randomly selected since no…
How to validate an access token for an Azure app registered
I have an Azure registration for a mobile native app and there is openid login mechanism. The access token that is generated needs to be passed to an API that is written in nodejs. Before I return any data back to the mobile app I need to validate the…
Is running chaos studio on Managed App resources supported?
This is for ManagedApp resources (VMs, Disks, etc) that is dynamically created from let's say marketplace
Accessing Customer's ACR using Publisher's Managed Identity
As written in Microsoft's documentation, Managed Identity does not work across tenant boundaries and I would like to ask about this in the context of Azure Managed Applications. I have a configuration where I, as a Publisher have a Container App that is…
Azure managed instance still updating after scale operation started 5 days ago
I scaled a general purpose managed instance several days ago , but on the overview page for the managed instance,, it is still displaying the following message , 'The resource is still updating please do not create restore databases etc' this is shown …