The path './' either does not exist or is not a valid file system path.
Set-ToolsRepo under Microsoft.AVS.Management has no documentation. The error message seems to indicate that I need to rename my VMware tools zip file to Even when I do that, the command has the same error. Are there complete instructions…

Azure VMware Solution - Need for ARS in Transit VNet
We are deploying Azure VMware Solution in region with ER Global Reach is not supported. Also, we've limitations in using Azure Virtual WAN to the existing landing zone. Due to these factors, we've decided to proceed with Transit VNet approach.…

Inconsistent Access to VM via Bastion
I connect to my virtual machine via SSH Key in the Bastion portal. Unfortunately, it's a 50/50 shot of success. There are days where I can access my VM all day, some for half the day, and others not at all. I've verified each time that the VM is running.…

Latency between Azure and AVS environment
Hello guys, We have latency issue on our connectivity between our Azure virtual HUB and an AVS environment how can we troubleshoot the issue ? Regards, Romain PETIT
Azure AVS private cloud
If create AVS private cloud for on premise recovery do I get multiple recovery choice? Do I need both azure landing zone and AVS private cloud? If I need Azure landing zone with express route direct, then would it suffice to filter traffic from Azure…
We are using using apns sandbox and app store using java application servers . In our truststore which cert has to be added form the attachments in this page
we have already added AAAcertificateservices.crt to our srever.
How to get Free Trial for Azure DevOps Pipeline
Hi, I need to learn and use Azure DevOps pipelines, but in order to do so, I need to attach a subscription to my Azure DevOps organization. However, I believe it's not possible to attach a free Azure trial account, as it generates an error. Previously,…
Isolated duplicate network segment in AVS
Hi, I have production network where /24 network subnet is running and on same network my AVS environment is also connected. Am I able to create a duplicate network segment (with same IP range) in AVS without connecting it to T1 ? I just want to access…
Unable to attach a new Network Interface in a "newly created" Virtual Network to a Windows VM
I have a VM that has a virtual network and an interface attached. I am aware you cannot detach an interface without attaching a new interface to the VM. However, when I try to attach a new interface, it makes me create a new one (doesn't use the one I…
Resource Group
Hello team, I have a problem for almost 2 weeks with creating my resource group. When I hit on create resource group, it stuck on validation in progress for almost 2 weeks. I have no clue because it takes that much time, as I did it before with other…
Given that VCSA ssh access is not permitted, what is the best approach to ping a destination from AVS VCSA?
Need to ping connectivity between AVS vCenter and on-prem AD to check for open port.
Using windows license In O365 on Guest VM
we have O365(include win cal) we need to migrate my notebook to Guest VM. I have any quest. 1.This license can be use in VMware. in case, is it Illegal ? 2.How to activate windows in Guest VM
I can't connect to the cloud via ssh from the auzre portal.
ssh로 접속시 접속권한 때문에 접속이 안됩니다.
Microphone Issue
I'm hosting a Streamlit app on azure VM (with Ubuntu 22.04 OS) where I face an issue to record an input voice speech which is saved as an empty voice file with no sound. The issue is likely due to that the microphone is not accessed to record voice. So…
How to use a AzureVM MABS to make a data backup for a AVS vm?
Hello, i got a special network with my environment as follows: AzureVM MABS01.test.local IP: Domain01.test.local IP: controller and the DNS Server) AVS test01.test.local NIC1: metric:10 (production…
Is there any solution for the below error while logging in Vm? The Virtual Machine is stopping as requested by an authorized user or process, or due to a guest activity from within the Virtual Machine. No other action is required at this time.
The Virtual Machine is stopping as requested by an authorized user or process, or due to a guest activity from within the Virtual Machine. No other action is required at this time.
How can I upgrade from vsphere 7 to vsphere 8?
How can I upgrade our AVS environment from vSphere 7 to Vsphere 8?
My VM image is scheduled for deprecation, how to update my image without affecting my running VM?
I am getting a message at the top of the screen that says my VM image is scheduled for deprecation. I upgrade my VM last year to Windows Server 2022 Datacenter, so the VM is fine. How to i update my image to Server 2022 without affecting my running VM?