To update the accountEnabled property of admin users, you need to use delegate permissions. It's not possible to do it via application permissions. See for example this GitHub issue:
Ms Graph - Disable User Account
I am writing a PowerShell script to disable Azure AD users that are not synced from on-premises.
As part of the script I am running a foreach loop to disable the users with the following command:
$params = @{
AccountEnabled = "false"
Update-MgUser -UserId $User.Id -BodyParameter $params
This worked for a load of guest users but it did not work for accounts which have admins roles assigned to them. I am getting the following error for these accounts:
"Update-MgUser : Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.
At line:3 char:9
- Update-MgUser -UserId $User.Id -BodyParameter $params
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ({ UserId = 59c8...softGraphUser }:<>f__AnonymousType55
2) [Update-MgUser_Update1], RestException
1 - FullyQualifiedErrorId : Authorization_RequestDenied,Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Cmdlets.UpdateMgUser_Update1"
The connection into MS Graph is using an App Registration and Certificate for authentication. The app permissions included are the following:
Hopefully someone can help in locating the actual permissions required.
2 additional answers
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MegaMunch 10 Reputation points
2024-10-17T03:29:19.6966667+00:00 If anyone comes across this in the future, you need to include the scope "User.EnableDisableAccount.All" when starting a new session.
Limitless Technology 39,791 Reputation points
2022-07-07T07:30:50.507+00:00 Hello Son-3712,
Since the question is related to scripting of Microsoft Graph I would recommend you to get in touch with the specific community for that product at:
This way, the community will be more experience and able to provide expert advice of your question.
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