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You can try inheriting from the DatePicker and adding a property that can be bound to DateTime? type. See the code below. In this case you can bind to NullableDate property instead of Date.
public class MyDatePicker : DatePicker
private string _format = null;
public static readonly BindableProperty NullableDateProperty = BindableProperty.Create<MyDatePicker, DateTime?>(p => p.NullableDate, null);
public DateTime? NullableDate
get { return (DateTime?)GetValue(NullableDateProperty); }
set { SetValue(NullableDateProperty, value); UpdateDate(); }
private void UpdateDate()
if (NullableDate.HasValue) { if (null != _format) Format = _format; Date = NullableDate.Value; }
else { _format = Format; Format = "pick ..."; }
protected override void OnBindingContextChanged()
protected override void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName = null)
if (propertyName == "Date") NullableDate = Date;
You can use it in the xaml directly.
<local:MyDatePicker x:Name="myDatePicker"></local:MyDatePicker>
Then set it to null in the background code.
public MainPage()
myDatePicker.NullableDate = null;
Best Regards,
Leon Lu
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