Thanks for the reply.
IBM.Data.DB2.Core.dll is the assembly to connect to DB2 database. It internally calls the db2app64.dll a C/C++ dll.
We have implemented the logging using the shared memory(Inter process communication) technique. All the processes using the IBM.Data.DB2.Core.dll
will write to the shared memory.
We will have only exectuable, when run it will turn on the the db2trcd64.exe which will collect the
traces/log records written by the application processes and writes to the file.
In app service environment when we turn on this db2trcd64.exe from the application itself it is able to collect the traces and write to file.
But it is not able to write any log/trace records if we turn on the db2trcd64.exe from the kudu-console/commandline/powershell.
So looks like application/process running under w3wp.exe(parent process) is able to communicate using shared memory, but it is failing when process is run outside w3wp.exe.
Do you suggest any confiugration changes at ASE or anything to get this type of communicaiton working ?