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Are you referring to shape recognition in InkAnalyzer
? Currently, InkAnalyzer
does not provide operations such as undo, because it does not need to keep history. If you need to do it yourself.
This is a simple idea for a step back operation (based on windows-universal-samples InkAnalysis)
//create history record
private List RemovedStorkes = new List();
private Shape LastShape = null;
//Add Stroke to history list before removing Stroke
private void ConvertShapes()
// Select the strokes that were recognized, so we can delete them.
// The effect is that the shape added to the canvas replaces the strokes.
foreach (var strokeId in shape.GetStrokeIds())
InkStroke stroke = inkPresenter.StrokeContainer.GetStrokeById(strokeId);
stroke.Selected = true;
// Add history while doing shape conversion
private void AddPolygonToCanvas(InkAnalysisInkDrawing shape)
LastShape = polygon;
private void UndoButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
LastShape = null;
This is a history implementation, if you need more effects, please implement it yourself.