aad > entra tenant left overs from initial teams personal trials
When microsoft first started experimenting with efforts to migrate Skype users to Teams personal / microsoft account setups they did so by creating an underlying aad > entra tenant with a given user's microsoft account as the administrator, e.g. they'd provision aad > entra tenant setups like companyname123.onmicrosoft.com.
Now that they have figured out how to support Teams personal / microsoft account setups with a direct microsoft account signin and no need for an underlying aad > entra tenant how does one go about getting that old v1 experimental release entra tenant destroyed?
I ask because when you signin to Teams personal now as part of the v2 experiment setup that replaces Skype when it is shutdown in May 2025 you still see option to signin to that old aad > entra tenant associated setup.
It also shows an option to switch to my m365 enterprise provided teams work or school account signin setup even though below that is link to that account signin that takes care of that.