Hello @Jordan Reyes Leger,
welcome to this moderated Azure community forum.
An Azure IoT Hub is a service where the pricing is based on the expected daily consumption.
This is measured in the 'number of daily messages', starting with 400.000 'messages' per day.
These 'messages' are better known as chunks of 4KB parts of messages.
A 5KB message is counted as 2 chunks of 4KB.
The message consumption is based on both device-to-cloud messaging (eg sending one message or a batch of messages or starting a file upload) and cloud-to-device messaging (eg. direct methods, desired properties, reported properties, cloud messages).
Check the documentation regarding the details of counting messages per way of communication.
The underlying protocol is mostly based on MQTT although customers can also used AMQP (and even HTTP although this is strongly discouraged).
Azure IoT Hub offers an 'at least once' delivery for reliability.
Regarding counting the acknowledgement as messages, for as far as I know, these acknowledgements are part of the underlying protocol so these are not part of the message body of the message being transported by that protocol.
Unsuccessful deliveries will result in a resent so those are expected to be counted too as a message.
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