Its a quote which you can try.
I'm not sure if you would consider this a resolution but within the MS-Excel Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Environment [VBE] "Immediate" window type the following (and press [Return]/[Enter] to confirm): Application.Cursor = xlNorthwestArrow To return to the 'Plus' cursor use: Application.Cursor = xlDefault You will need to do this again once you have closed all MS-Excel sessions and re-launched the product. That is, it is not a permanent 'fix' - just temporary for the life of the MS-Excel application in your environment.
Another quote;
You may follow these steps to change the mouse pointers to default and check if that makes any difference: Open Control Panel and click on Mouse icon. Click/tap on the Pointers tab and Under Customize, select a pointer you want to change. Click/tap on Use Default if you want to change the pointer to use the default pointer for it. Click/tap on Apply to make the change to see how you like it. When done, click/tap on OK to apply and close Mouse Properties. Remember to restart the computer to check if that helps.
I am also sharing an article from Microsoft that I just came across during my research.