Your DCSO is wrong. VS has been, for a very long time, able to support both multiple versions and multiple editions of VS at the same time. I, and every developer in my company, runs multiple versions of VS, especially after a new major release. Furthermore I routinely bounce between editions. In fact on a daily basis I have both Preview and RTM versions of VS running at the same time. Even debugging at the same time. There are 0 issues with this. Never have I heard of anyone having BSODs from multiple VS instances and I know a lot of people who run this way.
It is important to remember that a BSOD can only be triggered by kernel code. That means whatever is crashing your machine is running in the kernel. VS doesn't run in the kernel and so, by itself, it cannot cause a BSOD. Of course if you're doing Windows device driver development then you're running kernel code that could crash. You might also have something installed that itself runs a kernel driver that could cause a crash. For web development. you might install custom tools like Fiddler that could cause BSODs with their virtual filter drivers as well.
The easiest way to research this is to actually identify the BSOD error. When you get a BSOD the error information is available. Specifically you want the bugcheck code. This points you to what is wrong. After that is the modules that are causing the crash. Often this is a filter driver or similar. This tells you what is crashing but not necessarily why. Windows will save the crash dump off temporarily. This is where WinDbg comes in. DOwnload it from the Windows Store and load up the crash dump. Then run the analyze commands to have it identify what is likely going wrong.
- Install WinDbg from MS Store.
- Load crash dump in WinDbg (default directory is:
) - Run analysis commands:
- Use the bugcheck code to tell you what is failing (e.g. bad memory, access denied, etc).
- Use the callstack to see if there is some third-party library loaded.
The formal documentation is here.
In my experience crashes tend to be caused by either anti-virus or graphics drivers. If the error is in a third party component then uninstall it. If it is AV then check with your AV provider as they can have issues with debuggers. McAfee used to be notorious about it. If it is a graphics driver problem then check with them. Note that VS does support hardware acceleration and a faulty graphics driver can crash the system. Switch VS to software only mode if that is the case.