Hi @Ali KARACA ,
Thank you for taking time to post this issue in Microsoft Q&A forum.
I checked and tested in VS 2019(v16.11.44) and VS 2022(v17.13.2), installed the "Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.Winforms" NuGet package, and I saw the same issue.
Either Visual Studio changed some configurations and provided new ways to design a new report, or the report viewer control doesn’t provide this feature anymore.
I suggest you directly report this issue to Visual Studio product team and/or SQL Server Reporting Services product team.
About "design a new report", maybe, manually adding a new report is a temporarily workaround.
Right-click your project => Add => New Item => Installed => Visual C# Items => select the "Report" item => after configuring it, choose this report in the ReportViewer Tasks.
Best regards,
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