Hello @dheeraj awale,
The error you encountered, Invalid event name
, indicates that the Protobuf message structure was incorrect. I have ensured that EventMessage
properly sets the Data
Use BinaryData.FromBytes(message.ToByteArray())
to serialize messages like below.
await serviceClient.SendToGroupAsync(Group, BinaryData.FromString(message), WebPubSubDataType.Binary);
Install Azure.Messaging.WebPubSub.Clients
, Google.Protobuf
, WebPubSub.Client.Protobuf
and Webpubsub
Make sure to Allow Sending To All Groups and Allow Joining/Leaving All Groups
Below is the sample code for Azure PubSub with protobuf:
private const string Group = "protobuf-client-group";
private const string Uri = "wss://";
static async Task Main()
var serviceClient = new WebPubSubClient(new Uri(Uri), new WebPubSubClientOptions
Protocol = new WebPubSubProtobufProtocol()
serviceClient.Connected += arg =>
Console.WriteLine($"Connected with connection id: {arg.ConnectionId}");
return Task.CompletedTask;
serviceClient.Disconnected += arg =>
Console.WriteLine($"Disconnected from connection id: {arg.ConnectionId}");
return Task.CompletedTask;
serviceClient.GroupMessageReceived += arg =>
Console.WriteLine($"Received Protobuf message: {arg.Message.Data}");
return Task.CompletedTask;
await serviceClient.StartAsync();
await serviceClient.JoinGroupAsync(Group);
UpstreamMessage joiningMessage = new()
JoinGroupMessage = new Webpubsub.JoinGroupMessage()
Group = Group,
await serviceClient.SendToGroupAsync(Group, BinaryData.FromBytes(joiningMessage.ToByteArray()), WebPubSubDataType.Binary);
Console.WriteLine("Join group message sent");
await Task.Delay(1000);
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Enter the message to send or just press enter to stop:");
var message = Console.ReadLine();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
UpstreamMessage dataMessage = new()
EventMessage = new EventMessage()
Data = new MessageData()
TextData = message
await serviceClient.SendToGroupAsync(Group, BinaryData.FromBytes(dataMessage.ToByteArray()), WebPubSubDataType.Binary);
Console.WriteLine("Data message sent");
await serviceClient.LeaveGroupAsync(Group);
await serviceClient.StopAsync();
syntax = "proto3";
package webpubsub;
message UpstreamMessage {
oneof message {
JoinGroupMessage join_group_message = 1;
EventMessage event_message = 2;
message JoinGroupMessage {
string group = 1;
message EventMessage {
string event_name = 1;
MessageData data = 2;
message MessageData {
oneof data {
string text_data = 1;
bytes binary_data = 2;
message DownstreamMessage {
oneof message {
GroupDataMessage group_data_message = 1;
message GroupDataMessage {
string group = 1;
MessageData data = 2;
Console Output:
Please refer to my GitHub repository for the complete code.
Hope this helps!
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