Hi @Vishnu Anand,
Thanks for your trust and we are pleased to offer assistance.
When you share files or folders from SharePoint, the platform automatically generates an email to the recipients. This email includes a link to the shared item and some basic information about it.
However, SharePoint does not offer an out-of-the-box way to modify the body of the email that is sent when you share files or folders. The email template is standardized and cannot be customized directly through SharePoint settings.
We are always looking for ways to improve SharePoint, and your feedback and suggestions are very valuable.
We suggest that you can make suggestions on this SharePoint Feedback portal for customization of SharePoint share alert email templates. Your contribution will be highly appreciated.
MS will take this into serious account and make some modifications accordingly, which will benefit more community members.
Thanks for your meaningful contributions.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do feel free to contact me.
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