Hello @Arjun Sivasree,
I’m glad you were able to resolve your issue, and I appreciate you sharing the solution! This will be helpful for others facing a similar problem. Since the Microsoft Q&A community has a policy that “The question author cannot accept their own answer. They can only accept answers by others,” I’m reposting your solution in case you’d like to accept the answer.
After investigating the issue, I found that Defender for IoT was attempting to enable the “Security” intelligence pack in the Log Analytics workspace but was failing to add it.
By checking the activity logs of the Log Analytics workspace, I identified the missing intelligence packs and was able to enable them using Azure CLI commands.
Here’s what worked:
Steps to Resolve:
- Check Activity Logs – Identify the intelligence pack that Defender for IoT is trying to enable.
- Enable the Required Intelligence Packs using the following CLI commands:
az login --identity az account set --subscription "<subid>" az monitor log-analytics workspace pack enable --name AzureSecurityOfThings --resource-group <resource-group-name> --workspace-name <workspace-name> az monitor log-analytics workspace pack enable --name Security --resource-group <resource-group-name> --workspace-name <workspace-name>
- Ensure Both Security Packs Are Enabled – In my case, I had to enable both
Once these were enabled, the issue was resolved, and the Log Analytics workspace successfully linked with Defender for IoT.
Hope this helps others facing the same challenge!
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