Does DeveloperToolsAvailability Edge Policy set to DeveloperToolsDisallowed prevent the use of headless mode in the terminal?
Recently got a newer version of Edge that broke existing code that used the headless mode in the terminal.
Note: The code is using the --headless argument with the new version of Edge. Before the code had --headless=old.
People that have the policy DeveloperToolsAvailability set to DeveloperToolsAllowed are able to utilize the headless mode.
People that have the policy DeveloperToolsAvailability set to DeveloperToolsDisallowed are NOT able to utilize the headless mode.
The following have already been tested:
Setting the HeadlessModeEnabled to 1 in the Registry Editor.
Checking the Local Security Policy to see if it was setting HeadlessModeEnabled to 0.
According to the documentation page its states that the HeadlessModeEnabled policy can be applied to the Microsoft account that is signed in.
If people that have the policy DeveloperToolsAvailability set to DeveloperToolsDisallowed and has HeadlessModeEnabled set to 1 in the Registry Editor and they still do not have access to use headless mode, is it because of some policy on the Microsoft account?
Is it solely because they do not have DeveloperToolsAvailability set to DeveloperToolsAllowed?
Thank you.