AVD Agent Version - New Session Host and Existing Session Hosts not running latest Production Version
With all session hosts, both new and existing, the latest version of the AVD agent I'm able to see is version 1.0.10292.900 (non-validation environment). However, when looking at the version page here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/whats-new-agent I see that the January production version is 1.0.10159.600.
It's odd that the newer version of the agent has a lower version number. It seems like some of the fixes in the 1.0.10159.600 version will help my environment, but I'm unable to get this one. I've tried this across a few host pools in multiple US regions, all running Windows 11 24H2.
I also read over https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-desktop/add-session-hosts-host-pool?tabs=portal%2Cgui&pivots=host-pool-standard and saw the links for "Azure Virtual Desktop Agent", thinking downloading that may get me the most up to date version. I understand that link may lag behind a bit, but would expect it to be somewhat up to date. When downloading from the URL listed there, I'm given an even older version, 1.0.9103.3700.
Is there a way I can manually pull down the latest production release?