Hi @Faisal Kabeer,
Sorry for delay.
You can achieve this using Azure Firewall. First, create the firewall and the route table to direct all on-premises traffic through the firewall. Then, create a DNAT rule in the firewall.
How to create firewall refer this doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/firewall/tutorial-firewall-deploy-portal-policy#deploy-the-firewall-and-policy
How to create the route table: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/manage-route-table#create-a-route-table
Please associate this route table with the default VM subnet.
In the firewall we have to create the DNAT rule.
Configure a NAT rule
- Select Add NAT rule collection.
- For Name, type RC-DNAT-01.
- For Priority, type 200.
- Under Rules, for Name, type RL-01.
- For Protocol, select TCP.
- For Source type, select IP address.
- For Source, type your default subnet ip.
- For Destination Addresses, type the firewall's public or private IP address.
- For Destination ports, type 3389.
- For Translated Address type the private IP address for the Srv-Workload virtual machine.
- For Translated port, type 3389.
- Select Add.
Refer this doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/firewall/tutorial-firewall-dnat
Using the private of the firewall you can connect the client system.
Note: If use firewall you have to allow necessary traffic.
Hope this clarifies!
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