Abc.exe need to run administrative privilege for all users in the windows machine.
While installing the build in windows10 the abc.exe will be copied to c:\folder\bin and shortcut on desktop. That exe needs the administrative privilege means by double click it need to run in administrator. Is there any way to give admin access for abc.exe for all the users in the windows machine?
Previously, we are doing one way for the admin access as I am creating a string type registry key through installshield like "c:\folder\bin\abc.exe" where value as "~RUNASADMIN" in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers", by this way, it is creating the key and having admin access only for current user only.
I removed previously created registry under CURRENT_USER, and I tried to add the same registry value through the installer under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers"
But it's not creating in this path through the install shield but when we add the registry key by manually it is adding and having the admin access for all the users. And Install shield also running in administrative mode only. What could be the issue? and any alternative way is there to give admin access for abc.exe for all the users in the windows machine?