Cannot Connect Locally to when using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech
Hello Everyone,
I am trying to build a method that detects the language of the audio I provide it. My application translates audio but since we batch transcribe and also use a custom model, I cannot use languageIdentification. Therefore, I am trying to detect the language of the audio prior to sending it for transcription so I can give the locale dynamically.
I installed Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech via Microsoft Visual Studio (most recent stable build). We utilize Azure Blob services for this project and pull in wav files and convert them to memory streams in the app. I am trying to take these memory streams of audio and pass it to the SDK to detect its language. Here is my method:
public async Task
Azure AI Speech
navba-MSFT • 27,455 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2025-01-06T04:43:33.5733333+00:00 @Michael Lanctot Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Forum, Thank you for posting your query here!
- Please confirm if you are using AutoDetectSourceLanguageConfig.FromLanguages(String[]) Method to specify the possible source languages. This helps the SDK to identify the language from the provided audio.
- Did you use the
method to detect the language. More info here.
var result = await recognizer.RecognizeOnceAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (result.Reason == ResultReason.TranslatedSpeech) { var lidResult = result.Properties.GetProperty(PropertyId.SpeechServiceConnection_AutoDetectSourceLanguageResult); Console.WriteLine($"RECOGNIZED in '{lidResult}': Text={result.Text}");
- For some reason your code is not shared in the issue description. Please try sharing it again.
Awaiting your reply.
Michael Lanctot • 0 Reputation points
2025-01-06T14:27:17.55+00:00 My apologies I didn't realize the code did not completely load in. Here is our code:
public async Task<string> DetectLanguageOfAudio(Stream? audioStream, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (audioStream == null) { return string.Empty; } if (audioStream.Length == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The audio stream is empty."); } var endpointUrl = new Uri(config.AzureSpeechService!.DetectLanguageEndpoint!); var detectConfig = SpeechConfig.FromEndpoint(endpointUrl, config.AzureSpeechService!.Key!); detectConfig.SetProperty(PropertyId.SpeechServiceConnection_LanguageIdMode, "Continuous"); var logFilePath = @"C:\Users\mlanctot\OneDrive - United Wholesale Mortgage\Documents\Logs\speech_sdk_log.txt"; detectConfig.SetProperty(PropertyId.Speech_LogFilename, logFilePath); var autoDetectSourceLanguageConfig = AutoDetectSourceLanguageConfig.FromLanguages(expectedLanguages); var pushStream = AudioInputStream.CreatePushStream(); var stopRecognition = new TaskCompletionSource<string>(); _ = Task.Run(async () => { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = await audioStream.ReadAsync(buffer)) > 0) { pushStream.Write(buffer, bytesRead); } pushStream.Close(); }, cancellationToken); using var audioInput = AudioConfig.FromStreamInput(pushStream); using var recognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(detectConfig, autoDetectSourceLanguageConfig, audioInput); Console.WriteLine("Attempting to detect langauge"); string detectedLanguage = string.Empty; recognizer.Recognizing += (s, e) => { if (e.Result.Reason == ResultReason.RecognizingSpeech) { var autoDetectSourceLanguageResult = AutoDetectSourceLanguageResult.FromResult(e.Result); detectedLanguage = autoDetectSourceLanguageResult.Language; // Capture the detected language } }; recognizer.Recognized += (s, e) => { if (e.Result.Reason == ResultReason.RecognizedSpeech) { var autoDetectSourceLanguageResult = AutoDetectSourceLanguageResult.FromResult(e.Result); detectedLanguage = autoDetectSourceLanguageResult.Language; // Capture the detected language } }; recognizer.Canceled += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: Reason={e.Reason}"); if (e.Reason == CancellationReason.Error) { Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: ErrorCode={e.ErrorCode}"); Console.WriteLine($"CANCELED: ErrorDetails={e.ErrorDetails}"); } stopRecognition.TrySetResult(detectedLanguage); // Return the detected language }; recognizer.SessionStarted += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("\nSession started event."); }; recognizer.SessionStopped += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("\nSession stopped event."); stopRecognition.TrySetResult(detectedLanguage); // Return the detected language }; // Start continuous recognition await recognizer.StartContinuousRecognitionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); // Wait until recognition is stopped await stopRecognition.Task; // Stop recognition await recognizer.StopContinuousRecognitionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); audioStream.Position = 0; return detectedLanguage; // Return the detected language }
Michael Lanctot • 0 Reputation points
2025-01-06T21:02:45.2733333+00:00 Also found the log file for this as well.Cspeech_sdk_log.txt
navba-MSFT • 27,455 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2025-01-07T06:46:11.2766667+00:00 @Michael Lanctot Thanks for sharing the details. Within the Speech SDK logs, I could see the error WS_OPEN_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_OPEN_FAILED which is a network related connectivity issue:
[606712]: 12842ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: AZ_LOG_ERROR: tlsio_openssl.c:2464 FORCE-Closing tlsio instance. [606712]: 12844ms SPX_TRACE_SCOPE_ENTER: uws_web_socket.cpp:247 OnWebSocketOpened [606712]: 12845ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: web_socket.cpp:902 WS open operation failed with result=1(WS_OPEN_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_OPEN_FAILED), code=2573[0x00000a0d], time=2025-01-06T14:19:44.6496149Z [606712]: 12845ms SPX_TRACE_INFO: usp_connection.cpp:932 TS:270, TransportError: connection:0xa401b950, code=5, string=Connection failed (no connection to the remote host). Internal error: 1. Error details: Failed with error: WS_OPEN_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_OPEN_FAILED wss:// X-ConnectionId: 09ce9fa5e8c14d81900fae21a6065cd1 [606712]: 12846ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: usp_reco_engine_adapter.cpp:1997 Response: On Error: Code:5, Message: Connection failed (no connection to the remote host). Internal error: 1. Error details: Failed with error: WS_OPEN_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_OPEN_FAILED wss:// X-ConnectionId: 09ce9fa5e8c14d81900fae21a6065cd1. [606712]: 12847ms SPX_DBG_TRACE_VERBOSE: usp_reco_engine_adapter.cpp:3066 TryChangeState; audioState/uspState: 2/1000 => 2/-1 USP-ERRORERROR [606712]: 12847ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: usp_reco_engine_adapter.cpp:2011 OnError: site->Error() ... error='Connection failed (no connection to the remote host). Internal error: 1. Error details: Failed with error: WS_OPEN_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_OPEN_FAILED wss:// X-ConnectionId: 09ce9fa5e8c14d81900fae21a6065cd1'
- In Azure Portal for your Azure Speech resource, Could you please check if your Azure Speech resource --> **Networking **tab has any firewall / VNET configured ?
- Within your Corporate network, do you have any proxy / firewall ?
- Can you try using ipv4 network settings instead of ipv6 ?
Michael Lanctot • 0 Reputation points
2025-01-07T13:36:17.3533333+00:00 Thanks for the response. I had a feeling it would be a firewall block as well but I got a response from my ticket this morning saying they don't see any block.
I also checked our resource's network tab and don't see anything that may be causing the issue.
As far as trying ipv4 instead of ipv6, how do I go about doing that?
navba-MSFT • 27,455 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2025-01-07T13:42:59.4033333+00:00 @Michael Lanctot Thanks for sharing the screenshot. I see that you have a private endpoint enabled. This issue could be due to the private endpoint as well.
Plan 1:
Please see this section on usage of private endpoint with custom domain name with the SDK. I think the following should work for endpoints:
wss:// wss://
Plan 2:
Please follow this article and ensure that you are using SDK correctly to connect to speech resource using private endpoint..
Plan 3:
Please disable the private endpoint and test it to check if that works.
If it works after disabling the private endpoint, then we know that it is the cause of this issue.
Awaiting your reply.
Michael Lanctot • 0 Reputation points
2025-01-07T17:15:29.6466667+00:00 So we tried disabling the endpoint. Still could not connect. I tried using our private endpoint for the same results. Could we schedule a virtual meeting to try and get this figured out. If feel like installing the package and using it according to the docs should work but its not.
navba-MSFT • 27,455 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2025-01-08T02:50:00.48+00:00 @Michael Lanctot Thanks for getting back. If you are encountering the issue even after disabling the private endpoint, Please leave it disabled for time being, until we isolate this issue.
Now, collect the speech SDK logs again and share it.
Michael Lanctot • 0 Reputation points
2025-01-08T14:10:34.0133333+00:00 Ran the code this morning (endpoint still disabled) here is the log.
speech_sdk_log.txt -
Michael Lanctot • 0 Reputation points
2025-01-09T18:51:53.5966667+00:00 @navba-MSFT hey there, just checking in on this post.
navba-MSFT • 27,455 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2025-01-10T02:36:47.58+00:00 @Michael Lanctot Thanks for sharing the logs.
I have reviewed this new set of logs and the failure is with the CRL check.
Unable to retrieve CRL, CRL check may fail.
. See below:[35440]: 867ms SPX_TRACE_INFO: AZ_LOG_INFO: tlsio_openssl.c:1616 No CRL distribution points defined on non self-issued cert, CRL check may fail. [35440]: 869ms SPX_TRACE_INFO: AZ_LOG_INFO: tlsio_openssl.c:1456 Not using CRL cache directory. [35440]: 870ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: AZ_LOG_ERROR: tlsio_openssl.c:1573 No CRL dist point qualified for downloading. [35440]: 870ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: AZ_LOG_ERROR: tlsio_openssl.c:1624 Unable to retrieve CRL, CRL check may fail. [35440]: 871ms SPX_TRACE_ERROR: AZ_LOG_ERROR: tlsio_openssl.c:691 error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed
Action Plan:
- This is indeed an issue with proxy. So, this issue needs the network engineer from your Org to check if any proxy network restrictions for wss anything that could block CRL URL? I understand that your networking team said there is nothing blocked. But still, please check of the certificate it is using and its CRL.
- The proxy certificate doesn't seem to have CRL set. The error message is clearly talking about this.
- Also try updating openssl to most recent version.
- Please try running the application completely on a different network ( not linked with your corporate network) and check if that works.
- Try to disable Certificate Revocation List (CRL) verification in your C# code. For this you can configure the
to set theCheckCertificateRevocationList
property tofalse
. Though its not recommended, but this might help you to isolate this issue.
Awaiting your reply.
navba-MSFT • 27,455 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2025-01-15T09:16:21.64+00:00 @Michael Lanctot A quick follow-up to check if you had any updates on the above suggestion. Awaiting your reply.
navba-MSFT • 27,455 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2025-01-20T03:02:40.16+00:00 @Michael Lanctot Please let me know if you had any updates on this.
Michael Lanctot • 0 Reputation points
2025-01-21T19:49:25.62+00:00 Good day Navba, my apologies for the delay, I was out of office on Monday and have spent most of my day on another story at this time. Once that gets moving along I will resume trying to figure this out. Last I left off it was suggested I try to turn off CRT recognition but I haven't gotten a chance to try that yet.
89737969 • 0 Reputation points
2025-01-21T20:31:22.5633333+00:00 To resolve the issue of being unable to connect locally when using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech, follow these steps:
Step 1: Check Speech Service Configuration
- Ensure that you have created a Speech Service resource in Azure.
- Verify that you have the correct Speech Service subscription key and region.
Step 2: Update Speech SDK
- Ensure that you are using the latest version of the Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech NuGet package.
- Update the package by running
Install-Package Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech
in the NuGet Package Manager Console.
Step 3: Configure Speech Recognition
- Verify that you have configured the Speech Recognition correctly.
- Ensure that you are using the correct recognition language and format.
Step 4: Check Network Connectivity
- Ensure that your application has access to the internet.
- Verify that your firewall settings allow outgoing traffic to the Speech Service.
Step 5: Use Fiddler to Inspect Traffic
- Use Fiddler to inspect the traffic between your application and the Speech Service.
- Verify that the requests are being sent correctly and that the responses are being received.
Step 6: Check Event Viewer Logs
- Check the Event Viewer logs for any errors related to the Speech Service.
- Verify that the Speech Service is running correctly.
Step 7: Contact Microsoft Support
- If none of the above steps resolve the issue, contact Microsoft Support for further assistance.
- Provide detailed information about your environment, configuration, and error messages.
Example Code
using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech; // Replace with your Speech Service subscription key and region string subscriptionKey = "your_subscription_key"; string region = "your_region"; // Create a new Speech Config SpeechConfig speechConfig = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription(subscriptionKey, region); // Create a new Speech Recognizer SpeechRecognizer speechRecognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(speechConfig); // Start speech recognition speechRecognizer.StartContinuousRecognitionAsync();
By following these steps and using the example code, you should be able to resolve the issue and connect locally to the Speech Service using Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech.
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