Looks more like a permissions-related issue, if you are running in the delegate context, try with a Global admin user. But yes, you do need to have a qualifying license to use Places, as detailed for example here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/places/places-overview#qualifying-microsoft-365-subscriptions-for-core-features
How to enable Devices API for Places
Hall, Henrik
Reputation points
I'm trying out some sensor device APIs within Places. When I try to ingest telemetry for a device, I get the following error:
statusCode: 403,
code: 'forbidden',
date: '2024-12-16T13:26:25.000Z',
body: '{"code":"forbidden","message":"Device APIs are not enabled for this tenant."}
I've tried using Set-PlacesSettings
as per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/places/powershell/set-placessettings, but to no avail.
Are the Device APIs strictly limited to a particular license level of the tenant? I'm trying this out in a lower tier tenant used for testing only. What are the requirements for enabling the Devices API?