I am testing access to Azure AI resources behind a v-net for learning purposes.
I am trying to access resources (i.e. Azure AI Hub and later on Project) which is behind a v-net that I created on Azure, namely test-network.
My first approach was to deploy a VM to test-network, access it via Bastion and then access the Hub. This worked good and was quite simple to set up.
However, I wanted to try to set up a VPN Gateway to access the resources from my machine, i.e. not via a jumpbox VM + Bastion. The VPN Gateway is up and running but it seems like I have missed some kind of connection, since I can not access the Hub.
I have made sure that:
- The VPN Gateway is connected to the test-network: under settings for test-network -> network -> I created a Gateway Subnet. I can also see the AzureBastionSubnet here
My conclusion is that since it is working with Bastion + VM, there is some configuration step for the VPN Gateway missing. And I have a knowledge gap here and can not seem to find the issue. I am getting the following error when I try to open the Hub using VPN Gateway:
Error loading Azure AI hub. You are attempting to access a restricted resource from an unauthorized network location. Please contact your administrator or follow the troubleshooting instructions here.
I followed the steps mentioned under "Azure DNS troubleshoot" on the previous link and made sure the private links for my Hub: privatelink.api.azureml.ms & privatelink.notebooks.azure.net indeed are linked to test-network.
I still get the same error and the following details:
DNS resolution
Code: ARecordNotFound
Message: You do not have the following required DNS records to access your workspace. ARecords 'aaaaa-bbbb-ccccc-dddd.workspace.swedencentral -> xx.y.x.z,aaaaa-bbbb-ccccc-dddd.workspace.swedencentral.cert -> xx.y.x.z,.aaaaa-bbbb-ccccc-dddd.inference.swedencentral -> xx.y.x.z,.aaaaa-bbbb-ccccc-dddd.models.swedencentral -> xx.y.x.z' are missing in private Dns zone /subscriptions/aaaaa-bbbb-ccccc-dddd/resourceGroups/DefaultResourceGroup-CCAN/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/privatelink.api.azureml.ms.You need to configure your private dns zone and/or DNS server to resolve workspace FQDNs with the private IP of your private endpoint. See https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/machine-learning/how-to-custom-dns.
So, DNS records problem. I feel a confused on this topic and I appreciate any help. Especially why it works with the Bastion VM but not my computer. All the best!