Sequeria Fu, Adding to Bruce's suggestions.
Currently, the default value of JWT token's lifetime is 1 hour.
For security concerns, extend TTL isn't encouraged. The approach that you could follow - adding reconnect logic from the client to restart the connection when occurs. When the client restarts the connection, it negotiates with app server to get the JWT token again and get a renewed token.
As outlined in the doc, by default, claims from context.User.Claims
are included when generating a JWT access token for Azure SignalR Service (ASRS). This ensures that the claims are preserved and can be passed from ASRS to the Hub when the client connects.
However, in some cases, context.User.Claims
may contain a lot of information intended for the app server, much of which is not needed by the Hubs but is used by other components.
As Bruce suggested, you need to scale out for additional connections, checkout the steps outlined in the doc: How to scale an Azure SignalR Service instance?