Thank you for your response. This is very strange and I have to keep observing. I tried again today and everything worked (I was able to download the software and keys). Maybe it was just a temporary problem.
Free Software on Azure
Ralf B
Reputation points
I have a ecucational account and I used it to download Windows Server 2019 already. Today I tried to download Windows 10 and I got
Leider können wir Ihren Zugriff auf Vorteile nicht überprüfen (Transaktions-ID: 620759bcd9fb4248ba279a472f2073ec, Meldungscode: 715-123170). Wenden Sie sich an den Support.
I searched the help and support pages, but I don't find any hint what the problem is or where to send a message about this problem.
It would be great if I could get help here.
Thank you.