Change the account for Scale Out logging
Applies to:
SQL Server
SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory
When you run SSIS packages in Scale Out, the event messages are logged in the SSISDB database with an auto-created user account named ##MS_SSISLogDBWorkerAgentLogin##. The login for this user uses SQL Server authentication.
If you want to change the account used for Scale Out logging, do the following things:
If you use a Windows user account for logging, use the same account as the account that runs the Scale Out Worker service. Otherwise, the login to SQL Server fails.
1. Create a user for SSISDB
For instructions about how to create a database user, see Create a Database User.
2. Add the user to the database role ssis_cluster_worker
For instructions about how to join a database role, see Join a Role.
3. Update the logging information in SSISDB
Call the stored procedure [catalog].[update_logdb_info]
with the SQL Server name and connection string as parameters, as shown in the following example:
SET @serverName = CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('servername'))
SET @connectionString = 'Data Source=' + @serverName + ';Initial Catalog=SSISDB;Integrated Security=SSPI;'
EXEC [internal].[update_logdb_info] @serverName, @connectionString
4. Restart the Scale Out Worker service
Restart the Scale Out Worker service to make the change effective.