Lesson 5-4: Test the Lesson 5 package
Applies to:
SQL Server
SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory
At run time, your package obtains the value for the Directory property from a configuration variable, rather than from the directory name specified when you created the package. The value of the variable comes from the SSISTutorial.dtsConfig XML file.
To verify that the package updates the Directory property with the new value during run time, run the package. Because only three sample data files are in the new directory, the data flow runs only three times.
Checking the Package Layout
Before you test the package, verify that the control and data flows in the Lesson 5 package are similar to the objects shown in the following diagrams:
Control Flow
Data Flow
Test the Lesson 5 package
On the Debug menu, select Start Debugging.
After the package has completed running, on the Debug menu, select Stop Debugging.
Next lesson
Lesson 6: Use parameters with the Project Deployment Model in SSIS