Error messages for Azure Spot Virtual Machines and scale sets
Applies to: ✔️ Linux VMs ✔️ Windows VMs ✔️ Flexible scale sets ✔️ Uniform scale sets
Here are some possible error codes you could receive when using Azure Spot Virtual Machines and scale sets.
Key | Message | Description |
SkuNotAvailable | The requested tier for resource '<resource>' is currently not available in location '<location>' for subscription '<subscriptionID>'. Try another tier or deploy to a different location. | There is not enough Azure Spot Virtual Machine capacity in this location to create your VM or scale set instance. |
EvictionPolicyCanBeSetOnlyOnAzureSpotVirtualMachines | Eviction policy can be set only on Azure Spot Virtual Machines. | This VM is not an Azure Spot Virtual Machine, so you can't set the eviction policy. |
AzureSpotVMNotSupportedInAvailabilitySet | Azure Spot Virtual Machine is not supported in Availability Set. | You need to choose to either use an Azure Spot Virtual Machine or use a VM in an availability set, you can't choose both. |
AzureSpotFeatureNotEnabledForSubscription | Subscription not enabled with Azure Spot Virtual Machine feature. | Use a subscription that supports Azure Spot Virtual Machines. |
VMPriorityCannotBeApplied | The specified priority value '{0}' cannot be applied to the Virtual Machine '{1}' since no priority was specified when the Virtual Machine was created. | Specify the priority when the VM is created. |
SpotPriceGreaterThanProvidedMaxPrice | Unable to perform operation '{0}' since the provided max price '{1} USD' is lower than the current spot price '{2} USD' for Azure Spot Virtual Machine size '{3}'. | Select a higher max price. For more information, see pricing information for Linux or Windows. |
MaxPriceValueInvalid | Invalid max price value. The only supported values for max price are -1 or a decimal greater than zero. Max price value of -1 indicates the Azure Spot Virtual Machine will not be evicted for price reasons. | Enter a valid max price. For more information, see pricing for Linux or Windows. |
MaxPriceChangeNotAllowedForAllocatedVMs | Max price change is not allowed when the VM '{0}' is currently allocated. Deallocate and try again. | Stop\Deallocate the VM so that you can change the max price. |
MaxPriceChangeNotAllowed | Max price change is not allowed. | You cannot change the max price for this VM. |
AzureSpotIsNotSupportedForThisAPIVersion | Azure Spot Virtual Machine is not supported for this API version. | The API version needs to be 2019-03-01. |
AzureSpotIsNotSupportedForThisVMSize | Azure Spot Virtual Machine is not supported for this VM size {0}. | Select another VM size. For more information, see Azure Spot Virtual Machines. |
MaxPriceIsSupportedOnlyForAzureSpotVirtualMachines | Max price is supported only for Azure Spot Virtual Machines. | For more information, see Azure Spot Virtual Machines. |
MoveResourcesWithAzureSpotVMNotSupported | The Move resources request contains an Azure Spot Virtual Machine. Not supported. Check the error details for virtual machine Ids. | You cannot move Azure Spot Virtual Machines. |
MoveResourcesWithAzureSpotVmssNotSupported | The Move resources request contains an Azure Spot virtual machine scale set. Not supported. Check the error details for virtual machine scale set Ids. | You cannot move Azure Spot virtual machine scale set instances. |
AzureSpotVMNotSupportedInVmssWithVMOrchestrationMode | Azure Spot Virtual Machine is not supported in Virtual machine scale set with VM Orchestration mode. | Set the orchestration mode to virtual machine scale set in order to use Azure Spot Virtual Machine instances. |
SpotRestorationIsNotSupportedForThisAPIVersion | Spot restoration feature is not supported for this API version. | For an existing scaleset, perform a PATCH using API version 2021-07-01 or later. For new scale set deployments, add the following property to the Azure Resource Manager template using API version 2021-07-01 or later: ![]() |
SpotRestorationIsSupportedOnlyForAzureSpotScaleSets | Spot restoration feature is supported only for Azure Spot virtual machine scale sets. | Spot restoration feature is only supported for Azure Spot virtual machine scale sets. To use this feature, deploy Azure Spot using virtual machine scale sets. |
Next steps For more information, see spot Virtual Machines.