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MSB3283 diagnostic code

This article describes the MSB3283 error code.

Message text

MSB3283: Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library 'type library'. Verify that (1) the COM component is registered correctly and (2) your target platform is the same as the bitness of the COM component. For example, if the COM component is 32-bit, your target platform must not be 64-bit.


This error occurs when MSBuild is attempting to reference a COM wrapper for the specified type library (.tlb file), but it couldn't be found. This could be because the wrapper couldn't be created.

The problem could be that bitness is incorrect, as the message suggests, but it could be another issue.

A type library (.tlb file) includes type definitions for Windows native COM components. A COM wrapper is a .NET assembly that allows the COM components to be accessed from managed code. See Importing a type library as an assembly.

In MSBuild, a wrapper assembly is typically generated from the details specified in a COMReference for COMFileReference by the ResolveCOMReference task.

Check all the information provided in the COMReference or COMFileReference.

COMReference uses the registry, so if you're using COMReference, you should verify that the COM component is correctly registered. See Registering COM applications.

You can avoid registering the COM components on the build machine by using COMFileReference.

Applies to

All versions of MSBuild