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This error occurs when MSBuild can't find a project file with the specified name at the expected location.

The full message is something like the following text:

MSB3202: The project file 'filename' was not found.


The MSB3202 error occurs when MSBuild is unable to locate the specified project file. This error is generated when a build is invoked with an incorrect or missing project file path, or incorrect or missing dependent project file.

Common causes

Here are some real-world scenarios that can lead to this error, especially in modern development and CI/CD environments:

  1. Incorrect file path in command line or build script

    • When invoking MSBuild, the specified project file path doesn't exist or is mistyped. Check the path, especially for syntax issues such as quotes around paths with spaces.
  2. Project file renamed or deleted

    • A project file was renamed or removed from the repository, but the build logic or one of the build inputs was not updated to reflect this change.
  3. Repository checkout issues

    • During a CI/CD pipeline execution, the source code repository might not be fully checked out, or the necessary project file is excluded due to .gitignore rules or shallow cloning.


  1. Verify that the project file exists at the specified location.

    • Use an absolute path to the project file to avoid ambiguity.

    • Example:

      msbuild C:\Projects\MySolution\MyProject.csproj

  2. Check for typos in the ProjectReference item in the project file.

  3. Ensure your version control system includes all necessary project files and that the repository checkout is complete.