
Short description

PowerShell data files are used to store arbitrary data using PowerShell syntax.

Long description

PowerShell data (.psd1) files can store arbitrary data in PowerShell syntax. That data can be imported into variables in a PowerShell session. PowerShell has three types of data files and provides a cmdlet to import each type.

Basic data files

The Import-PowerShellDataFile cmdlet imports basic data files. The data in the file must be contained in a hashtable. This format only supports constant values. You can't use code or PowerShell expressions.

Module manifests

Module manifests are PowerShell data files. The data in the file must be contained in a hashtable. The structure of that hashtable only supports specific key names related to PowerShell modules.

The values assigned to the settings in the manifest file can be expressions that are evaluated by PowerShell. This allows you to construct paths and conditionally assign values based on variables.

When you import a module using Import-Module, the manifest is evaluated in Restricted language mode. Restricted mode limits the commands and variables that can be used.

For more information, see about_Module_Manifests.

Localized data

The Import-LocalizedData cmdlet imports localized data files. During import, the file is processed in Constrained language mode. Constrained mode limits the commands and variables that can be used.

For more information, see about_Language_Modes.

Originally, localized data files were meant to be used to store string data that could be translated into other languages. This allowed your scripts to import the data to provide localized string output in other languages. However, you aren't limited to storing string data and don't have to use the data for localized output.

The data in the file isn't limited to hashtables. It can be in any format supported by the PowerShell syntax, such as data sections.

For more information, see about_Data_Sections.

See also