Get a download link for the Microsoft Customer Agreement template
Applies to: Partner Center
Does not apply to: Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government
The AgreementDocument resource is currently supported by Partner Center only in the Microsoft public cloud.
This article describes how to get a link to download the Microsoft Customer Agreement template, based on the customer's country/region and language.
If you're using the Partner Center .NET SDK, version 1.14 or newer is required.
As of June 2023, the latest Partner Center .NET SDK release 3.4.0 is now archived. You can download the SDK release from GitHub, along with a readme file that contains useful information.
Partners are encouraged to continue to use the Partner Center REST APIs.
Credentials as described in Partner Center authentication. This scenario only supports App+User authentication.
The customer's country/region to which the Microsoft Customer Agreement template applies.
The language in which the Microsoft Customer Agreement template should be localized.
- The Microsoft Customer Agreement is country/region-specific. When requesting for a link to download the Microsoft Customer Agreement template, Be sure to specify the correct country/region based on customer's location. or list of supported countries/regions, refer to List of supported countries/regions and languages.
- For some countries/regions, the Microsoft Customer Agreement is available in multiple languages. For best customer experience, pick the language that best match the customer's needs. For list of supported languages, refer to List of supported countries/regions and languages.
- This method is only supported with the Microsoft Customer Agreement.
To retrieve a link to download the Microsoft Customer Agreement template:
Retrieve the agreement metadata for the Microsoft Customer Agreement. You must obtain the templateId of the Microsoft Customer Agreement. For more information, see Get agreement metadata for Microsoft Customer Agreement.
// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations; string agreementType = "MicrosoftCustomerAgreement"; AgreementMetaData microsoftCustomerAgreementDetails = partnerOperations.AgreementDetails. ByAgreementType(agreementType).Get().Items.Single();
Use the IAggregatePartner.AgreementTemplates collection.
Call the ById method and specify the templateId of the Microsoft Customer Agreement.
Fetch the Document property.
Call the ByCountry method and specify the customer's country/region to which the agreement template applies. The query defaults to US if the method isn't specified. For a list of supported country/region codes, refer to List of supported countries/regions and languages. This method is case-sensitive.
Call the ByLanguage method and specify the language that the agreement template should be localized in. The query defaults to en-US if the method isn't specified or the country/region code specified isn't supported for the country/region specified. For list of supported language codes, refer to List of supported countries/regions and languages.
Call the Get or GetAsync method.
// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations; string customerCountry = "US"; string languageForLocalization = "en-US"; var agreementDocument = partnerOperations. AgreementTemplates.ById (microsoftCustomerAgreementDetails. TemplateId).Document.ByCountry (customerCountry).ByLanguage (languageForLocalization).Get();
A complete sample can be found in the GetAgreementDetails class from the console test app project.
REST request
To retrieve a link to download the Microsoft Customer Agreement template:
Retrieve the agreement metadata for the Microsoft Customer Agreement. You must obtain the templateId of the Microsoft Customer Agreement. For more information, see Get agreement metadata for Microsoft Customer Agreement.
Create a REST request to fetch an AgreementDocument resource. For an example, see the request syntax example. You must specify the following information:
- The templateId of the Microsoft Customer Agreement
- The country/region to which the Microsoft Customer Agreement template applies
- The language in which the Microsoft Customer Agreement template should be localized
Request syntax
Use the following request syntax for this resource:
Method | Request URI |
GET | {baseURL}/v1/agreementtemplates/{agreement-template-id}/document?language={language}&country={country} HTTP/1.1 |
URI parameters
You can use the following URI parameters with your request:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
agreement-template-id | string | Yes | Unique identifier of the agreement type. You can obtain the templateId for Microsoft Customer Agreement by retrieving the agreement metadata for Microsoft Customer Agreement. For more information, see Get agreement metadata for Microsoft Customer Agreement. This parameter is case-sensitive. |
country | string | No | Indicates the country/region to which the agreement template applies. The query defaults to US if the parameter isn't specified. For a list of supported country/region codes, refer to List of supported countries/regions and languages. |
language | string | No | Indicates the language in which the agreement template should be localized. The query defaults to en-US if the parameter isn't specified or the country/region code specified in't supported for the country/region specified. For list of supported country/region codes, refer to List of supported countries/regions and languages. |
Request headers
For more information, see Partner Center REST headers.
Request body
Request example
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: 94e4e214-6b06-4fb7-96d1-94d559f9b47f
MS-CorrelationId: aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
REST response
If successful, this method returns an AgreementDocument resource in the response body.
The resource has a downloadUri property, which contains a URL string that can be used to download the agreement template. A different link is returned each time you make a query. This link expires after five minutes.
Response success and error codes
Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and other debugging information.
Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and other parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center REST error codes.
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 620
Content-Type: application/json
MS-RequestId: 94e4e214-6b06-4fb7-96d1-94d559f9b47f
MS-CorrelationId: aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
List of supported countries/regions and languages
The country/region code property is case-sensitive. Be sure to use the correct casing specified in this table:
Country/Region | Country code | Supported language codes |
Åland Islands | AX | en-US |
Afghanistan | AF | en-US |
Albania | AL | en-US |
Algeria | DZ | en-US, fr-FR, en-US |
American Samoa | AS | en-US |
Andorra | AD | en-US |
Angola | AO | en-US, pt-PT |
Anguilla | AI | en-US |
Antarctica | AQ | en-US |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG | en-US |
Argentina | AR | en-US, es-ES |
Armenia | AM | en-US |
Aruba | AW | en-US |
Australia | AU | en-US |
Austria | AT | en-US, de-DE |
Azerbaijan | AZ | en-US |
Bahamas | BS | en-US |
Bahrain | BH | en-US, ar-SA |
Bangladesh | BD | en-US |
Barbados | BB | en-US |
Belarus | BY | en-US, ru-RU |
Belgium | BE | en-US, nl-NL |
Belize | BZ | en-US, es-ES |
Benin | BJ | en-US |
Bermuda | BM | en-US |
Bhutan | BT | en-US |
Bolivia | BO | en-US, es-ES |
Bonaire | BQ | en-US |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | en-US |
Botswana | BW | en-US |
Bouvet Island | BV | en-US |
Brazil | BR | en-US, pt-BR |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IO | en-US |
British Virgin Islands | VG | en-US |
Brunei | BN | en-US |
Bulgaria | BG | en-US, bg-BG |
Burkina Faso | BF | en-US |
Burundi | BI | en-US |
Côte d'Ivoire | CI | en-US, fr-FR |
Cabo Verde | CV | en-US, pt-PT |
Cambodia | KH | en-US |
Cameroon | CM | en-US, fr-FR |
Canada | CA | en-US, fr-FR |
Cayman Islands | KY | en-US, en-US |
Central African Republic | CF | en-US |
Chad | TD | en-US |
Chile | CL | en-US, es-ES |
Christmas Island | CX | en-US |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CC | en-US |
Colombia | CO | en-US, es-ES |
Comoros | KM | en-US |
Congo (DRC) | CD | en-US |
Congo | CG | en-US |
Cook Islands | CK | en-US |
Costa Rica | CR | en-US, es-ES |
Croatia | HR | en-US, hr-HR |
Curaçao | CW | en-US |
Cyprus | CY | en-US |
Czechia | CZ | en-US, cs-CZ |
Denmark | DK | en-US, da-DK |
Djibouti | DJ | en-US |
Dominica | DM | en-US |
Dominican Republic | DO | en-US, es-ES |
Ecuador | EC | en-US |
Egypt | EG | en-US, ar-SA |
El Salvador | SV | en-US, es-ES |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | en-US |
Eritrea | ER | en-US |
Estonia | EE | en-US, et-EE |
eSwatini | SZ | en-US |
Ethiopia | ET | en-US |
Falkland Islands | FK | en-US |
Faroe Islands | FO | en-US |
Fiji | FJ | en-US |
Finland | FI | en-US, fi-FI |
France | FR | en-US, fr-FR |
French Guiana | GF | en-US, fr-FR |
French Polynesia | PF | en-US |
French Southern Territories | TF | en-US |
Gabon | GA | en-US |
Gambia | GM | en-US |
Georgia | GE | en-US |
Germany | DE | en-US, de-DE |
Ghana | GH | en-US |
Gibraltar | GI | en-US |
Greece | GR | en-US, el-GR |
Greenland | GL | en-US |
Grenada | GD | en-US |
Guadeloupe | GP | en-US |
Guam | GU | en-US |
Guatemala | GT | en-US, es-ES |
Guernsey | GG | en-US |
Guinea | GN | en-US |
Guinea-Bissau | GW | en-US |
Guyana | GY | en-US |
Haiti | HT | en-US |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands | HM | en-US |
Honduras | HN | en-US, es-ES |
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | HK | en-US, zh-HK |
Hungary | HU | en-US, hu-HU |
Iceland | IS | en-US |
India | IN | en-US, hi-IN |
Indonesia | ID | en-US, id-ID |
Iraq | IQ | en-US, ar-SA |
Ireland | IE | en-US |
Isle of Man | IM | en-US |
Israel | IL | en-US, he-IL |
Italy | IT | en-US, it-IT |
Jamaica | JM | en-US |
Jan Mayen | XJ | en-US |
Japan | JP | en-US, ja-JP |
Jersey | JE | en-US |
Jordan | JO | en-US, ar-SA |
Kazakhstan | KZ | en-US, kk-KZ |
Kenya | KE | en-US |
Kiribati | KI | en-US |
Korea | KR | en-US, ko-KR |
Kosovo | XK | en-US |
Kuwait | KW | en-US, ar-SA |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | en-US, ru-RU |
Laos | LA | en-US |
Latvia | LV | en-US, lv-LV |
Lebanon | LB | en-US, ar-SA |
Lesotho | LS | en-US |
Liberia | LR | en-US |
Libya | LY | en-US, ar-SA |
Liechtenstein | LI | en-US, de-DE |
Lithuania | LT | en-US, lt-LT |
Luxembourg | LU | en-US, fr-FR |
Macao Special Administrative Region | MO | en-US, zh-HK |
Madagascar | MG | en-US |
Malawi | MW | en-US |
Malaysia | MY | en-US, ms-MY |
Maldives | MV | en-US |
Mali | ML | en-US |
Malta | MT | en-US |
Marshall Islands | MH | en-US |
Martinique | MQ | en-US |
Mauritania | MR | en-US |
Mauritius | MU | en-US, ar-SA |
Mayotte | YT | en-US |
Mexico | MX | en-US, es-ES |
Micronesia | FM | en-US |
Moldova | MD | en-US, ro-RO |
Monaco | MC | en-US, fr-FR |
Mongolia | MN | en-US |
Montenegro | ME | en-US |
Montserrat | MS | en-US |
Morocco | MA | en-US, fr-FR, en-US |
Mozambique | MZ | en-US |
Myanmar | MM | en-US |
Namibia | NA | en-US |
Nauru | NR | en-US |
Nepal | NP | en-US |
Netherlands | NL | en-US, nl-NL |
New Caledonia | NC | en-US |
New Zealand | NZ | en-US |
Nicaragua | NI | en-US, es-ES |
Niger | NE | en-US |
Nigeria | NG | en-US |
Niue | NU | en-US |
Norfolk Island | NF | en-US |
Northern Mariana Islands | MP | en-US |
North Macedonia | MK | en-US |
Norway | NO | en-US, nb-NO |
Oman | OM | en-US, ar-SA |
Pakistan | PK | en-US |
Palau | PW | en-US |
Palestinian Authority | PS | en-US |
Panama | PA | en-US, es-ES |
Papua New Guinea | PG | en-US |
Paraguay | PY | en-US, es-ES |
Peru | PE | en-US, es-ES |
Philippines | PH | en-US |
Pitcairn Islands | PN | en-US |
Poland | PL | en-US, pl-PL |
Portugal | PT | en-US, pt-PT |
Puerto Rico | PR | en-US, en-US |
Qatar | QA | en-US, ar-SA |
Réunion | RE | en-US |
Romania | RO | en-US, ro-RO |
Russia | RU | en-US, ru-RU |
Rwanda | RW | en-US, fr-FR |
São Tomé and Príncipe | ST | en-US, fr-FR |
Saba | XS | en-US |
Saint-Barthélemy | BL | en-US |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN | en-US |
Saint Lucia | LC | en-US, en-US |
Saint Martin | MF | en-US, en-US |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | PM | en-US |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC | en-US |
Samoa | WS | en-US |
San Marino | SM | en-US |
Saudi Arabia | SA | en-US |
Senegal | SN | en-US, fr-FR |
Serbia | RS | en-US, sr-Latn-RS, en-US |
Seychelles | SC | en-US |
Sierra Leone | SL | en-US |
Singapore | SG | en-US, zh-SG |
Sint Eustatius | XE | en-US |
Sint Maarten | SX | en-US, en-US |
Slovakia | SK | en-US, sk-SK |
Slovenia | SI | en-US, sl-SI |
Solomon Islands | SB | en-US |
Somalia | SO | en-US |
South Africa | ZA | en-US |
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands | GS | en-US |
South Sudan | SS | en-US |
Spain | ES | en-US, es-ES, en-US, en-US |
Sri Lanka | LK | en-US |
St Helena, Ascension, Tristan da Cunha | SH | en-US |
Suriname | SR | en-US |
Svalbard | SJ | en-US |
Sweden | SE | en-US, sv-SE |
Switzerland | CH | en-US, fr-FR, en-US, en-US |
Taiwan | TW | en-US, zh-HK |
Tajikistan | TJ | en-US |
Tanzania | TZ | en-US |
Thailand | TH | en-US, th-TH |
Timor-Leste | TL | en-US |
Togo | TG | en-US |
Tokelau | TK | en-US |
Tonga | TO | en-US |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT | en-US |
Tunisia | TN | en-US, fr-FR, en-US |
Türkiye | TR | en-US, tr-TR |
Turkmenistan | TM | en-US |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TC | en-US |
Tuvalu | TV | en-US |
U.S. Outlying Islands | UM | en-US |
U.S. Virgin Islands | VI | en-US |
Uganda | UG | en-US |
Ukraine | UA | en-US, uk-UA |
United Arab Emirates | AE | en-US, ar-SA |
United Kingdom | GB | en-US |
United States | US | en-US |
Uruguay | UY | en-US, es-ES |
Uzbekistan | UZ | en-US, ru-RU |
Vanuatu | VU | en-US |
Vatican City | VA | en-US |
Venezuela | VE | en-US, es-ES |
Vietnam | VN | en-US, vi-VN |
Wallis and Futuna | WF | en-US |
Yemen | YE | en-US, ar-SA |
Zambia | ZM | en-US |
Zimbabwe | ZW | en-US |