Create a custom role in Intune

You can create a custom Intune role that includes any permissions required for a specific job function. For example, if an IT department group manages applications, policies, and configuration profiles, you can add all those permissions together in one custom role. After creating a custom role, you can assign it to any users that need those permissions.

To create, edit, or assign roles, your account must have one of the following permissions in Microsoft Entra ID.

  • Global Administrator
  • Intune Service Administrator

For more information, see Role-based access control (RBAC) with Microsoft Intune.

To create a custom role

  1. In the Microsoft Intune admin center, choose Tenant administration > Roles > All roles > Create.

  2. On the Basics page, enter a name and description for the new role, then choose Next.

  3. On the Permissions page, choose the permissions you want to use with this role.

  4. On the Scope (Tags) page, choose the tags for this role. When this role is assigned to a user, that user can access resources that also have these tags. Choose Next.

  5. On the Review + create page, when you're done, choose Create. The new role is displayed in the list on the Intune roles - All roles page.

Copy a role

You can also copy an existing role.

  1. In the Microsoft Intune admin center, choose Tenant administration > Roles > All roles > select the checkbox for a role in the list > Duplicate.

  2. On the Basics page, enter a name. Make sure to use a unique name.

  3. All the permissions and scope tags from the original role are already selected. You can later change the duplicate role's Name, Description, Permissions, and Scope (Tags).

  4. After you make all the changes that you want, choose Next to get to the Review + create page. Select Create.

Custom role permissions


You can view and manage VPP apps with only the Mobile apps permission assigned. Previously, the Managed apps permission was required to view and manage VPP apps. This change doesn't apply to Intune for Education tenants who still need to assign the Managed apps permission.

The following permissions are available when creating custom roles.

Permission Description
Android FOTA/Assign Assign Android firmware over-the-air (FOTA) deployments to Microsoft Entra security groups.
Android FOTA/Delete Delete and cancel pending Android firmware over-the-air (FOTA) deployments and delete deployment history.
Android FOTA/Create Create and manage all aspects of Android firmware over-the-air (FOTA) deployments.
Android FOTA/Read View Android firmware over-the-air (FOTA) deployments, including history and reporting.
Android FOTA/Update Change existing Android firmware over-the-air (FOTA) deployments and cancel firmware deployments.
Android Enterprise/Read View the Android Enterprise configuration used to sync applications with the Play for Work store or view the Android for Work enrollment prerequisites and enrollment profiles.
Android Enterprise/Update app sync Manage or change the Android Enterprise configuration that is used to sync applications with the Play for Work store, or sync the apps that you approved from the store with Intune.
Android Enterprise/Update onboarding Manage or change the Android Enterprise configuration used to enroll Android for Work devices or manage the Android for Work enrollment profiles.
Android Enterprise/Update Enrollment Profiles Manage or change AOSP and Android for work Device Owner enrollment profiles that are used to enroll devices.
App Control for Business/Assign Assign App Control for Business policies to Microsoft Entra security groups. - Added with the 2406 service release.
App Control for Business/Create Create new App Control for Business policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
App Control for Business/Delete Delete new App Control for Business policies.
App Control for Business/Read Read App Control for Business policies.
App Control for Business/Update Change App Control for Business policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
App Control for Business/View Reports Generate, view, or export reports for App Control for Business policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Attack Surface Reduction/Assign Assign Attack Surface Reduction policies to Microsoft Entra security groups. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Attack Surface Reduction/Create Create new Attack Surface Reduction policies.
Attack Surface Reduction/Delete Delete new Attack Surface Reduction policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Attack Surface Reduction/Read Read Attack Surface Reduction policies.
Attack Surface Reduction/Update Change Attack Surface Reduction policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Attack Surface Reduction/View Reports Generate, view, or export reports for Attack Surface Reduction policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Audit data/Read View all Intune audit data for this tenant.
Certificate Connector/Modify Add, remove, or modify certificate connectors required to support certificate issuance.
Certificate Connector/Read View certificate connectors required to support certificate issuance.
Chrome Enterprise/Delete connection settings Delete the organization's Chrome Enterprise connection settings.
Chrome Enterprise/Read View the organization's Chrome Enterprise connection settings and device details for Chrome OS devices.
Chrome Enterprise/Update connection settings Manage or change the organization's Chrome Enterprise connection settings.
Cloud attached devices/Enroll Now Enrolls an eligible CM device into co-management.
Cloud attached devices/View collections Displays the Collections page for Configuration Manager cloud attached devices
Cloud attached devices/View resource explorer Displays the Resource explorer page for Configuration Manager cloud attached devices
Cloud attached devices/View timeline Displays the Timeline page for Configuration Manager cloud attached devices
Cloud attached devices/View software updates Displays the Software updates page for Configuration Manager cloud attached devices
Cloud attached devices/View scripts Displays the Scripts page for Configuration Manager cloud attached devices
Cloud attached devices/Run script Displays the Run script action and allows the user to run scripts on Configuration Manager cloud attached devices
Cloud attached devices/Run CMPivot query Displays the CMPivot page for Configuration Manager cloud attached devices
Cloud attached devices/View client details Displays the Client details page for Configuration Manager cloud attached devices
Cloud attached devices/View applications Displays the Applications page for Configuration Manager cloud attached devices
Cloud attached devices/Take application actions Displays application actions in the Applications page and allows the user to take application actions on Configuration Manager cloud attached devices
Corporate device identifiers/Create Create new corporate device identifiers or import a CSV file containing a list of corporate device identifiers.
Corporate device identifiers/Delete Delete IMEI or serial numbers used as corporate device identifiers.
Corporate device identifiers/Read View the IMEI or serial numbers used as corporate device identifiers.
Corporate device identifiers/Update Change IMEI or serial numbers used as corporate device identifiers.
Customization/Assign Assign customization options for the Company Portal.
Customization/Create Create customization options for the Company Portal.
Customization/Delete Delete customization options for the Company Portal.
Customization/Read Read customization options for the Company Portal.
Customization/Update Update customization options for the Company Portal.
Derived Credentials/Modify Configure the Derived Credentials for your Microsoft Intune tenant.
Derived Credentials/Read View the Derived Credentials for your Microsoft Intune tenant.
Device compliance policies/Assign Assign device compliance policies to Microsoft Entra security groups, and assign Exchange on-premises access to Microsoft Entra security groups.
Device compliance policies/Create Create new device compliance policies.
Device compliance policies/Delete Delete device compliance policies or delete Exchange ActiveSync connectors.
Device compliance policies/Read View device compliance policies and the list of Exchange Active Sync Connectors, or view the settings for Exchange on-premises access.
Device compliance policies/Update Change device compliance policies, Exchange ActiveSync connectors and Exchange on-premises access settings.
Device compliance policies/View reports View, generate, and export device compliance reports.
Device configurations/Assign Assign device configuration profiles to Microsoft Entra security groups.
Device configurations/Create Create new device configuration profiles.
Device configurations/Delete Delete device configuration profiles.
Device configurations/Read View device configuration profiles.
Device configurations/Update Change device configuration profiles.
Device configurations/View Reports View, generate, and export device configuration reports and reports for endpoint security policies.
Device enrollment managers/Read View the list of device enrollment manager accounts.
Device enrollment managers/Update Create new device enrollment manager accounts, or delete device enrollment manager accounts.
Endpoint Analytics/Create Create new baselines and edit endpoint analytics settings.
Endpoint Analytics/Delete Edit endpoint analytics settings and delete baselines.
Endpoint Analytics/Read View endpoint analytics scores and performance reports.
Endpoint Analytics/Update Edit endpoint analytics settings and baselines.
Endpoint Detection and Response/Assign Assign Endpoint Detection and Response policies to Microsoft Entra security groups. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Endpoint Detection and Response/Create Create new Endpoint Detection and Response policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Endpoint Detection and Response/Delete Delete Endpoint Detection and Response policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Endpoint Detection and Response/Read Read Endpoint Detection and Response policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Endpoint Detection and Response/Update Change Endpoint Detection and Response policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Endpoint Detection and Response/View Reports Generate, view, or export reports for Endpoint Detection and Response policies. - Added with the 2406 service release.
Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Authoring/Assign Allows administrators to assign Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM) policies.
Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Authoring/Create Allows administrators to create Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM) policies.
Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Authoring/Delete Allows administrators to delete Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM) policies.
Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Authoring/Read Allows administrators to read Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM) policies.
Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Authoring/Update Allows administrators to update Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM) policies.
Endpoint Privilege Management Policy Authoring/View Reports Allows administrators to view Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM) reports.
Endpoint protection reports/Read View endpoint protection reports.
Enrollment programs/Assign profile Manage Windows Autopilot deployment profile assignment settings.
Enrollment programs/Create device Import Apple devices for the Device Enrollment Program, Apple School or Business Manager, Apple Configurator or Windows Autopilot devices.
Enrollment programs/Create profile Create new profiles for the Device Enrollment Program, Apple School Manager, Apple Configurator, or Windows Autopilot.
Enrollment programs/Create token Download the Apple Device Enrollment Program or Apple School Manager token .pem file.
Enrollment programs/Delete device Delete Apple devices for the Device Enrollment Program, Apple School or Business Manager, Apple Configurator or Windows Autopilot devices.
Enrollment programs/Delete profile Delete profiles for the Device Enrollment Program, Apple School Manager, Apple Configurator, or Windows Autopilot.
Enrollment programs/Delete token Delete Apple Device Enrollment Program or Apple School Manager token .pem file(s).
Enrollment programs/Read device View Apple devices for the Device Enrollment Program, Apple School Manager, Apple Configurator, or Windows Autopilot devices.
Enrollment programs/Read profile View profiles for the Device Enrollment Program, Apple School Manager, Apple Configurator, or Windows Autopilot.
Enrollment programs/Read token View the Apple Device Enrollment Program or Apple School Manager token status.
Enrollment programs/Sync device Initiate the Sync command for Windows Autopilot devices.
Enrollment programs/Update profile Manage profiles for the Device Enrollment Program, Apple School Manager, Apple Configurator, or Windows Autopilot.
Enrollment programs/Update token Upload the Apple Device Enrollment or Apple School Manager token and sync Apple Device Enrollment Program or Apple School Manager devices.
Filters/Create Create new filter.
Filters/Delete Delete filters.
Filters/Read View filters.
Filters/Update Edit filters.
Intune data warehouse/Read View all data and reports from the data warehouse. Power BI or other reporting services can use this data.
Managed apps/Assign Assign application protection policies to Microsoft Entra security groups.
Managed apps/Create Create new application protection policies.
Managed apps/Delete Delete application protection policies.
Managed apps/Read View application protection policies and status.
Managed apps/Update Change application protection policies, or delete pending wipe requests for protected apps.
Managed apps/Wipe Create a wipe request to selectively remove company data from a protected app.
Managed Device Cleanup Settings/Update Change the managed device cleanup settings.
Managed devices/Delete Delete Intune managed devices. Intune can no longer manage Deleted devices, and the device can no longer access company resources. Company data could be wiped from the device if a user tries to check-in after it's deleted.
Managed devices/Read View Intune managed devices.
Managed devices/Query Allows Intune to query a managed device for the purposes of retrieving detailed inventory information, device state, or other properties of a managed device from the device itself.
Managed devices/Read View Intune managed devices.
Managed devices/Read Bios Password Read BIOS password for devices with managed BIOS and firmware configuration.
Managed devices/Set primary user Choose, change, or remove the primary user of a managed device. This permission must be used in combination with the managed devices read and update permissions.
Managed devices/Update Change settings or ownership properties of a managed device. This permission doesn't enable remote actions for devices. To perform remote actions on the device, grant one or more of the Remote Task permissions.
Managed devices/View reports Generate, view, or export reports for managed devices.
Managed Google Play/Modify Modify the settings for synchronizing Managed Google Play apps with Microsoft Intune.
Managed Google Play/Read Display the settings for synchronizing Managed Google Play apps with Microsoft Intune.
Microsoft Defender ATP/Read View the connection between Microsoft Intune and Microsoft Defender ATP.
Microsoft Store For Business/Modify Modify the settings for synchronizing Microsoft Store for Business apps with Microsoft Intune.
Microsoft Store For Business/Read View the settings for synchronizing Microsoft Store for Business apps with Microsoft Intune.
Microsoft Tunnel Gateway/Create Create Microsoft Tunnel Gateway server configurations and sites. Server configurations include settings for IP address ranges, DNS servers, ports, and split tunneling rules. Sites are logical groupings of multiple servers that support Microsoft Tunnel.
Microsoft Tunnel Gateway/Delete Delete Microsoft Tunnel Gateway server configurations and sites. Server configurations include settings for IP address ranges, DNS servers, ports, and split tunneling rules. Sites are logical groupings of multiple servers that support Microsoft Tunnel.
Microsoft Tunnel Gateway/Read View Microsoft Tunnel Gateway server configurations and sites. Server configurations include settings for IP address ranges, DNS servers, ports, and split tunneling rules. Sites are logical groupings of multiple servers that support Microsoft Tunnel.
Microsoft Tunnel Gateway/Update Update Microsoft Tunnel Gateway server configurations and sites. Server configurations include settings for IP address ranges, DNS servers, ports, and split tunneling rules. Sites are logical groupings of multiple servers that support Microsoft Tunnel.
Mobile apps/Assign Assign Windows, macOS or mobile applications or eBooks to Microsoft Entra security groups.
Mobile apps/Create Add new Windows, macOS or mobile applications to Intune such as store apps, line-of-business apps, web-links, or built-in apps. You can also add books purchased through the Apple Volume Purchase Program or add eBook categories. You can setup iOS VPP Tokens, Windows Symantec certificates, Windows side loading keys, app categories, or the Android for Work connection.
Mobile apps/Delete Delete Windows, macOS or mobile applications such as store apps, line-of-business apps, web-links, or built-in apps. You can also delete books purchased through the Apple Volume Purchase Program or delete eBook categories. You can delete iOS VPP Tokens, Windows Symantec certificates, Windows side loading keys, app categories, or the Android for Work connection.
Mobile apps/Read View Windows, macOS or mobile applications such as store apps, line-of-business apps, web-links, or built-in apps. You can also view books purchased through the Apple Volume Purchase Program or add eBook categories. You can view iOS VPP Tokens, Windows Symantec certificates, Windows side loading keys, app categories, or the Android for Work connection.
Mobile apps/Relate Create relationships with other managed apps using Dependencies and Supersedence features. Without this permission, IT admins aren't able to add App dependency or supersedence relationships when creating or editing Win32 apps.
Mobile apps/Update Manage Windows, macOS or mobile applications such as store apps, line-of-business apps, web-links, or built-in apps. You can also manage books purchased through the Apple Volume Purchase Program or add eBook categories. You can manage iOS VPP Tokens, Windows Symantec certificates, Windows side loading keys, app categories, or the Android for Work connection.
Mobile apps/View reports View reports on Windows, macOS or mobile applications such as store apps, line-of-business apps, web links, and built-in apps.
Mobile Threat Defense/Modify Add, remove, or modify the Mobile Threat Defense connectors between Intune and your chosen MTD vendors
Mobile Threat Defense/Read View the Mobile Threat Defense connectors between Intune and your chosen MTD vendors
Multi Admin Approval/Create access policy Create access policies for Multi Admin Approval.
Multi Admin Approval/Delete access policy Delete access policies for Multi Admin Approval.
Multi Admin Approval/Read access policy Read access policies for Multi Admin Approval.
Multi Admin Approval/Update access policy Update access policies for Multi Admin Approval.
Organization/Create Create tenant settings such as device categories and Exchange connectors.
Organization/Delete Delete tenant settings such as device categories and Exchange Connectors.
Organization/Read View tenant settings such as device categories and Exchange Connectors. This permission is required to activate all enrollment workflows.
Organization/Update Manage tenant settings, device categories, and Exchange Connectors.
Organizational messages/Create Create organizational messages.
Organizational messages/Read Read organizational messages.
Organizational messages/Update Cancel organizational messages.
Organizational messages/Delete Delete organizational messages.
Organization messages/Assign Assign organizational messages.
Organizational messages/Update organizational message control Enable or block organizational messages directly from Microsoft, while allowing admin messages to display.
Partner Device Management/Modify Configure the Compliance Connector for Jamf.
Partner Device Management/Read View the Compliance Connector for Jamf.
Policy Sets/Assign Assign Policy Sets to Microsoft Entra security groups.
Policy Sets/Create Create a new Policy Set.
Policy Sets/Delete Delete Policy Sets.
Policy Sets/Read View Policy Sets.
Policy Sets/Update Change a Policy Set, or add items to a Policy Set.
Quiet Time policies/Assign Assign quiet time policies to Azure AD security groups.
Quiet Time policies/Create Create new quiet time policies.
Quiet Time policies/Delete Delete quiet time policies.
Quiet Time policies/Read View device quiet time policies.
Quiet Time policies/Update Change quiet time policies.
Quiet Time policies/View Reports View, generate, and export quiet time policy reports.
Remote assistance connectors/Read View the status of the TeamViewer connector and Remote Help. This permission isn't required to initiate remote assistance requests for devices.
Remote assistance connectors/Update Manage the state of the TeamViewer connector and Remote Help. This permission also requires the Remote assistance connectors Read permission to view the status of the TeamViewer connector and Remote Help.
Remote assistance connectors/View reports View, generate, and export Remote Help sessions and monitor reports.
Remote Help app/Elevation Elevation allows the helper to enter UAC credentials when prompted on the sharer's device when Remote Help is enabled. Enabling elevation also allows the helper to view and control the sharer's device when the sharer grants the helper access.
Remote Help app/Take full control Take full control allows the helper to view and control the sharer's device when Remote Help is enabled.
Remote Help app/Unattended control For Android devices, unattended control starts Remote Help as soon as the helper selects a new session, without a sharer having to grant access.
Remote Help app/View screen View screen allows the helper to view the sharer's device when Remote Help is enabled.
Remote tasks/Bypass activation lock Remove the Activation Lock from supervised devices without requiring the user's Apple ID and password. This may be required if a user leaves the company and returns the device; without the user's Apple ID and password, there's no way to reactivate the device. Or, you need to reassign some devices to a different department during a device refresh in your organization. You can only reassign devices that don't have Activation Lock enabled. You must also have the Managed Device Read permission to view devices in the Azure portal before initiating this remote task.
Remote tasks/Change organizational unit Move a Chrome Enterprise device to an existing organizational unit in your Google Workspace domain.
Remote tasks/Clean PC Initiate a Fresh start device action. This action removes any apps that are installed on a Windows 10 PC that is running the Creators Update. Then, it automatically updates the PC to the latest version of Windows.
Remote tasks/Collect diagnostics Collect device diagnostics
Remote tasks/Disable lost mode Turn off the lost mode for an iOS device.
Remote tasks/Enable lost mode Initiate lost mode on lost or stolen iOS devices. This mode lets you enter a message and a phone number that appears on the lock screen of the device. To use lost mode, the device must be a corporate-owned iOS device that is in supervised mode.
Remote tasks/Enable Windows IntuneAgent Enable Windows Intune agent.
Remote tasks/Get filevault key. Get Mac FileVault key.
Remote tasks/Initiate Configuration Manager action Initiate a remote action on a device managed by Configuration Manager.
Remote tasks/Locate device View the location of a lost or stolen corporate-owned device on a map. Can locate supervised iOS/iPadOS devices, Android dedicated devices (COSU), and Windows devices.
Remote tasks/Manage shared device users Sign out the user with the current session on a shared device. This action doesn't delete users from a shared device but it forces the user with a current session to be logged out.
Remote tasks/Offer remote assistance Initiate a remote assistance session with a user's device by using a remote assistance provider. The remote assistance option for your provider must be enabled for your tenant.
Remote tasks/Play lost mode sound Initiate the lost mode ring sound on a device that is placed in MDM Lost mode.
Remote tasks/Play sound to locate lost devices Play a sound to locate lost Android dedicated devices, or iOS devices placed in MDM lost mode.
Remote tasks/Reboot now Initiates a device restart. This causes the device you choose to be restarted. The device owner isn't automatically notified of the restart, and they might lose work.
Remote tasks/Recover MDM Key Initiate Mobile Device Management (MDM) certificate's private key recovery with TPM attestation
Remote tasks/Remove Device Firmware Configuration Interface Management. Allows admin to initiate removal of device from Device Firmware Configuration Interface management before deleting the Intune and Autopilot records.
Remote tasks/Remote lock The Remote lock device action locks the device. To unlock the device, the device owner enters their passcode. You can remotely lock devices that have a PIN or password set. Devices that don't have a PIN or password can't be remotely locked.
Remote tasks/Reset passcode Initiates a forced removal of the passcode, and requires the device user to set a new passcode. Supported on iOS devices, and certain later versions of Android and Android for work. Not supported on older Android versions, macOS, or Windows.
Remote tasks/Retire Initiates a retire action for a device. Also called remove company data. The Remove company data action removes managed app data (where applicable), settings, and email profiles that were assigned by using Intune. The device is removed from Intune management. This happens the next time the device checks in and receives the remote Remove company data action. Remove company data leaves the user's personal data on the device.
Remote tasks/Revoke App Licenses Revokes any iOS VPP application licenses that are associated with the device.
Remote tasks/Rotate BitLockerKeys (preview) Initiates a key rotation for BitLocker Recovery Passwords on the device.
Remote tasks/Rotate filevault key. Rotate Mac FileVault key.
Remote tasks/Rotate Local Admin Password Initiates a manual rotation for the local admin password on the device
Remote tasks/Run Pause Configuration Refresh Initiate On Demand pause configuration refresh
Remote tasks/Run Remediation Initiate On Demand Proactive Remediation
Remote tasks/Indicates remote device action to initiate Mobile Device Management (MDM) attestation if device is capable for it.
Remote tasks/Send custom notifications Allows admin to send customized notifications to devices. Devices receive notifications in Company Portal.
Remote tasks/Set device name Set or change the name of a device.
Remote tasks/Shut down Initiates a shutdown of the device, and automatically closes all applications and running services and leaves the device in a powered-off state.
Remote tasks/Sync devices. Initiates a sync operation on the device and forces the selected device to immediately check in with Intune. When a device checks in, it immediately receives any pending actions or policies that are assigned to it.
Remote tasks/Update cellular data plan Activate the data plan for cellular iOS/iPadOS devices that support eSIM.
Remote tasks/Update device account Allows changing the device account associated with Surface Hub devices, and set authentication options such as password rotation.
Remote tasks/Windows defender Initiates a Windows Defender signature update.
Remote tasks/Wipe Initiates a wipe of the device. Also called a factory reset. The Factory reset action restores a device to its factory default settings. The user data is kept or wiped depending on whether or not you choose the Retain enrollment state and user account checkbox.
Roles/Assign Assign Intune built-in or custom roles to Microsoft Entra security groups
Roles/Create Create new Intune custom roles. Intune creates the built-in roles automatically.
Roles/Delete Delete a custom Intune role. You can't delete built-in roles.
Roles/Read View permissions, role assignments, member groups, and scope groups for any built-in or custom Intune role.
Roles/Update Update custom role permissions and role assignments for built-in or custom roles. Role assignments define the administrators and end user scope for the role.
Security baselines/Assign Assign security baseline profiles to Microsoft Entra security groups.
Security baselines/Create Create new security baseline profiles.
Security baselines/Delete Delete security baseline profiles.
Security baselines/Read View security baseline profiles or profiles reporting or Template reporting for all security baseline workspace.
Security baselines/Update Update security baseline profiles.
Security tasks/Read View security tasks.
Security tasks/Update Update security tasks.
ServiceNow/Update Connector Update ServiceNow connection.
ServiceNow/View Incidents View incidents from ServiceNow.
Telecom expenses/Read View settings and status of telecom expense partner connector. The telecom expense partner connector feature has been deprecated and this permission will no longer be supported after June 2025.
Telecom expenses/Update Modify or activate telecom expense management partner connector. The telecom expense partner connector feature has been deprecated and this permission will no longer be supported after June 2025.
Tenant attached recommendations/Read View Tenant attached recommendations. Recommendations are methods to improve site health and device management experience.
Terms and conditions/Assign Assign terms and conditions to Microsoft Entra security groups.
Terms and conditions/Create Create new terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions/Delete Delete an existing terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions/Read View terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions/Update Manage existing terms and conditions but not assignments.
Windows Enterprise Certificate/Modify Add, remove, or modify the code-signing certificate used to distribute line-of-business apps to your managed Windows devices.
Windows Enterprise Certificate/Read View the code-signing certificate used to distribute line-of-business apps to your managed Windows devices.

Next steps