How to Remove a Category from a Windows Driver

In Configuration Manager, you remove a category from a Windows driver by removing the unique identifier for the category from the SMS_Driver Server WMI Class CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs array property.

To remove a category from a Windows driver

  1. Set up a connection to the SMS Provider. For more information, see SMS Provider fundamentals.

  2. Get the SMS_Driver object for the driver that you want remove the category from.

  3. Get the category name identifier from the SMS_CategoryInstance Server WMI Class object that matches the desired category.

  4. Remove the category identifier from the SMS_Driver Server WMI Class object CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs array property.

  5. Commit the SMS_Driver Server WMI Class changes.


The following example method removes a category from a Windows driver. driverID is a valid SMS_Driver Server WMI Class object. For more information, see About Operating System Deployment Driver Management.

For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.

Sub RemoveDriverCategory(connection,driver,categoryName)  

    Dim results  
    Dim driverCategoryID  
    Dim category  
    Dim categories   
    Dim i  

    If IsNull(driver.CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs) _  
           or UBound (driver.CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs) = -1 Then  
        ' There are no categories, so quit.  
        Wscript.Echo "No categories found"  
        Exit Sub  
    End If    

     Set results = _  
      connection.ExecQuery("SELECT * From SMS_CategoryInstance WHERE LocalizedCategoryInstanceName = '" _  
      + categoryName+ "'")  

    ' If the category was found, delete, if it is there, from the driver.  
    For Each category In results  

        ' Destination for copied categories.  
        categories = Array(driver.CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs)  

        For Each driverCategoryID in driver.CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs  
            If driverCategoryID = category.CategoryInstance_UniqueID Then  
                ' Found it, so skip it.  
                 Redim Preserve categories (UBound(categories))  
                ' Copy the category.  
                categories(i) = driverCategoryID  
            End If   

        ' Make sure the array is empty.  
        if i = 0  Then  
            Redim categories(-1)  
        End If  

         driver.CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs = categories  
End Sub     
public void RemoveDriverCategory(WqlConnectionManager connection,  
    IResultObject driver,  
    string categoryName)  
        // Get the category.  
        IResultObject results =   
            "SELECT * From SMS_CategoryInstance WHERE LocalizedCategoryInstanceName = '"   
            + categoryName   
            + "'");  

        ArrayList driverCategories = new ArrayList(driver["CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs"].StringArrayValue);  

        // Remove the category from the driver.  
        foreach (IResultObject category in results)  

        // Update the driver.  
        driver["CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs"].StringArrayValue = (string[])driverCategories.ToArray(typeof(string));  
    catch(SmsException e)  
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to remove category :" + e.Message);  

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
Connection - Managed:WqlConnectionManager
- VBScript: SWbemServices
A valid connection to the SMS Provider.
driver - Managed: IResultObject
- VBScript: SWbemObject
The Windows driver. It is an instance of SMS_Driver Server WMI Class.
categoryName - Managed: String
- VBScript: String
The name of an existing category. This matches the SMS_CategoryInstance Server WMI Classe LocalizedCategoryInstanceName property.

Compiling the Code

This C# example requires:










Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.

.NET Framework Security

For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Configuration Manager role-based administration.

See Also

About Operating System Deployment Driver Management
How to Add a Category to a Windows Driver