
Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data ExplorerAzure MonitorMicrosoft Sentinel

Treemaps display hierarchical data as a set of nested rectangles. Each level of the hierarchy is represented by a colored rectangle (branch) containing smaller rectangles (leaves).


  • This visualization can only be used in the context of the render operator.
  • This visualization can be used in Kusto.Explorer but isn't available in the Azure Data Explorer web UI.


T | render treemap [with (propertyName = propertyValue [, ...])]

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
T string ✔️ Input table name.
propertyName, propertyValue string A comma-separated list of key-value property pairs. See supported properties.

Supported properties

All properties are optional.

PropertyName PropertyValue
series Comma-delimited list of columns whose combined per-record values define the series that record belongs to.


This query counts the number of storm events for each type and state, sorts them in descending order, limits the results to the top 30, and then visualizes the data as a treemap.

The examples in this article use publicly available tables in the help cluster, such as the StormEvents table in the Samples database.

| summarize StormEvents=count() by EventType, State
| sort by StormEvents
| limit 30
| render treemap with(title="Storm Events by EventType and State")

Screenshot of treemap visualization output.