Frontend Manifests Documentation

This document provides a detailed guide to the structure and configuration of the frontend manifests in Fabric workloads. These JSON-based manifests allow partners to define workload appearance, identity, and behavior, essential for providing users with a tailored and consistent experience in Fabric.

Frontend manifests consist of two main components:

  • Product Manifest: Defines the workload identity and branding.
  • Item Manifest: Details configuration for individual items within the workload, including user interaction elements.

Product Manifest

The Product Manifest defines the core attributes of the workload's product, specifying its identity, branding, and configuration for user interaction.


  • name (string): A unique system name for the product.
  • displayName (string): A user-friendly display name.
  • fullDisplayName (string): A descriptive name for the product.
  • favicon (string): Path to the product’s favicon.
  • icon (object): Path to the product’s icon, stored in the assets folder (e.g., "assets/icon.png").

Home Page Configuration

Defines the layout and content of the workload’s home page.

  • homePage (object): Configuration settings for the home page.
    • learningMaterials (array): List of learning materials displayed on the workload details page.
      • title (string): Title of the learning material.
      • introduction (string): Brief introduction to the material.
      • description (string): Detailed description of the material.
      • onClick (object): Action triggered when the material is clicked.
      • image (string): Path to the image associated with the material.
    • recommendedItemTypes (array): List of recommended item types displayed on the workload details page.

Create Experience

Configurations for creating new items in the product, specifying options for user interaction.

  • createExperience (object): Configuration for the creation of workload items.
    • description (string): General description of the create experience.
    • cards (array): List of cards displayed during the creation process.
      • title (string): Title of the card.
      • description (string): Brief description of the card.
      • icon (object): Path to the icon used in the card.
      • onClick (object): Action triggered when the card is clicked.
      • availableIn (array): Locations where the card is available.
      • itemType (string): Type of item linked to the created card.

Workspace Settings and Product Details

  • workspaceSettings (object): Settings specific to workspace functionality.
    • getWorkspaceSettings (object): Contains action to retrieve workspace settings.
  • productDetail (object): Additional details for product branding and information.
    • publisher (string): Publisher of the product.
    • slogan (string): Product slogan.
    • description (string): Short description of the product.
    • image (object): Configuration of product images.
      • mediaType (integer): Media type of the image.
      • source (string): Path to the image.
    • slideMedia (array): List of media files used in product details page slides.
      • Limit: No more than 10 items are allowed in the slideMedia array.
      • Each item (object):
        • mediaType (integer): Media type of the slide. Use 0 for images and 1 for videos.
        • source (string): Path to the image or video source.
        • Note: For videos: Provide a URL to the video. Supported formats are:
          •<id> or<id>
            • Example: `
            • Note: Do not include www. in the vimeo URL.

Example of slideMedia Configuration:

"slideMedia": [
    "mediaType": 1,
    "source": ""
    "mediaType": 0,
    "source": "assets/images/SlideImage1.png"

Item Manifest

The Item Manifest defines configuration details for individual items within the workload, including attributes, icons, editor paths, and job-related settings.


  • name (string): A unique system name for the item.
  • displayName (string): User-friendly name displayed for the item.
  • displayNamePlural (string): Plural form of the display name for display purposes.

Editor and Icon Configuration

  • editor (object): Path configuration for the item’s editor in the Fabric workload app.
    • path (string): Relative path to the editor.
  • icon (object): Specifies the icon representing the item.
    • name (string): Path to the icon file in the assets folder (e.g., "assets/icon.svg").

Context Menu Items

Defines actions available in the item’s context menu, providing users with interaction options.

  • contextMenuItems (array): List of actions in the context menu.
    • name (string): System name of the action.
    • displayName (string): Display name for the action.
    • icon (object): Icon for the action.
      • name (string): Path to the icon file (e.g., "assets/icon.svg").
    • handler (object): Action handler for the menu item.
      • action (string): Name of the action triggered.
    • tooltip (string): Optional tooltip text for the action.

Monitoring and DataHub Configuration

  • supportedInMonitoringHub (boolean): Specifies if the item can be shown or filtered in the Monitoring Hub.
  • supportedInDatahubL1 (boolean): Specifies if the item can be shown or filtered in the DataHub L1.

Item Job Action Config

Configurations for job-related actions associated with the item job instance.

  • itemJobActionConfig (object): Defines actions related to the item’s jobs.
    • registeredActions (object): Contains job actions like detail, cancel, and retry.
      • detail (object): Action for viewing job details.
      • cancel (object): Action for canceling a job.
      • retry (object): Action for retrying a job.

Item Settings

Configurations options for item settings.

  • itemSettings (object): Extra settings for the item.
    • schedule (object): Contains scheduling information.
      • itemJobType (string): Job type to be scheduled from Fabric shared UI.
      • refreshType (string): Specifies the item’s refresh capability. Possible values include "None", "Refresh", and "Run".
    • recentRun (object): Configuration for recent job runs.
      • useRecentRunsComponent (boolean): Whether to use Fabric shared recent runs component.
    • getItemSettings (object): Configuration for custom item settings.
      • action (string): Name of the corresponding action that will return the list of custom item settings.

Item Task Flow Categories

Defines your item categories for integrating with the Fabric Task Flow Framework.

  • itemJobTypes (array): Specifies the categories assigned to an item within the task flow framework. Each item can have up to two categories. Supported categories are:
    • "getData"
    • "storeData"
    • "prepareData"
    • "analyzeAndTrainData"
    • "trackData"
    • "visualizeData"
    • "develop"
    • "generalTask"
    • "others"

If no category is specified, "others" is used as the default.


When developing and testing new attributes added to the manifest, ensure you have synced the latest validation scripts and tools from our sample repository.

This step is only necessary for local development and is not required for cloud mode.