Authentication setup

In this article, learn how to work with authentication in Microsoft Fabric.

To authenticate a custom workload in Fabric, first you set up three component parts:


To configure the authentication settings that are described in this article, you must have the Global Administrator role.

Azure Storage provisioning

The authentication sample that's used in this article demonstrates how to store data in and read data from a lakehouse architecture. It requires generating tokens for the Azure Storage service in on-behalf-of (OBO) flows. To generate tokens, you must consent to using Azure Storage with your application. To consent, Azure Storage must first be provisioned in the tenant.

To verify that Azure Storage is provisioned in the tenant:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Go to Microsoft Entra ID > Enterprise applications.

  3. In the search filters, select Application type = All applications. The application ID starts with e406a681-f3d4-42a8-90b6-c2b029497af1.

    Screenshot showing Azure Storage provisioning in the Azure portal.

If the Azure Storage application is shown in the search results, storage is already provisioned, and you can continue to the next step. Otherwise, a Global Administrator needs to configure the application.

To provision Azure Storage, open Windows PowerShell as administrator and run the following script:

Install-Module az  
Import-Module az  
New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId e406a681-f3d4-42a8-90b6-c2b029497af1

Configure your application in Microsoft Entra ID manually

To authenticate a workload, the workload application must be registered in Microsoft Entra ID. If you don't have an application registered, create a new application. Then, complete the following steps.

  1. Apply the following configurations to your application:

    1. Make the application a multitenant app.
    2. For dev applications, configure the redirect URI as http://localhost:60006/close with the single-page application (SPA) platform. This configuration is required to support Microsoft consent. You can add other redirect URIs.


    • The redirect URI should be a URI that simply closes the page when you go to it. The URI http://localhost:60006/close is already configured in the frontend sample. You can revise the redirect URI in Frontend/src/index.ts. If you change the URI, make sure that it matches the URI that's configured for your application.
    • You can configure the redirect URI after you create the application. To change the redirect URI settings, go to Authentication > Manage.
    • The redirect URL must return an HTML page that calls only to JavaScript windows.close().

    Screenshot of the application registration UI.

  2. Change the application ID URI for your application. Go to Manage > Expose an API, and edit the value for Application ID URI for your app.

    For a developer mode scenario, the application ID URI should start with api://localdevinstance/<Workload publisher's tenant ID in lowercase (the tenant ID of the user used in Fabric to run the sample)>/<Name of your workload> and an optional subpath at the end that starts with / (see the examples later in this section).

    Application ID URI parameters:

    • The workload name must be exactly as specified in the manifest.
    • The ID URI can't end with a slash (/).
    • The end of the ID URI can have an optional subpath identified by a string of up to 36 characters. It can contain only English lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and dashes.


    Get help finding your Microsoft Entra tenant ID.

    For example, if the publisher's tenant ID is aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee and the workload name is Fabric.WorkloadSample, then:

    • The following URIs are valid:

      • api://localdevinstance/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/Fabric.WorkloadSample
      • api://localdevinstance/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/Fabric.WorkloadSample/abc
    • The following URIs aren't valid:

      • api://localdevinstance/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/Fabric.WorkloadSample/af/
      • api://localdevinstance/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/Fabric.WorkloadSample/af/a
      • Any ID URI that doesn't start with api://localdevinstance/aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee/Fabric.WorkloadSample

Add a scope for CRUD APIs and jobs

To work with Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) APIs for workload items, and to perform other operations with jobs, add a scope. In addition, add two dedicated Fabric applications to the preauthorized applications for that scope to indicate that your API (the scope you created) trusts Fabric.

To add a scope:

  1. Under Expose an API, select Add a scope. Name the scope FabricWorkloadControl and enter the required details.

  2. Under Authorized client applications, select Add a client application. Add d2450708-699c-41e3-8077-b0c8341509aa (the Fabric client for a workload application) and select your scope.

Add scopes for the data plane API

Other scopes need to be registered to represent groups of operations that are exposed by the data plane API.

In the backend sample, we provide four examples. You can see the examples in Backend/src/Constants/scopes.cs.

The scopes are:

  • Item1.Read.All: For reading workload items
  • Item1.ReadWrite.All: For reading/writing workload items
  • FabricLakehouse.Read.All: For reading lakehouse files
  • FabricLakehouse.ReadWrite.All: For reading/writing lakehouse files

Preauthorize 871c010f-5e61-4fb1-83ac-98610a7e9110 (the Fabric client application) for these scopes.

You can find the application IDs of these apps under Microsoft Power BI and Power BI Service in Application IDs of commonly used Microsoft applications.

Here's how the Expose an API section should look in your application. In this example, the ID URI is api://localdevinstance/aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb/Fabric.WorkloadSample.

Screenshot showing how your Expose an API section should look.

Generate a secret for your application

Under Certificates & secrets, select the Secrets tab and add a secret. Enter any name you want to use, and then save it. Use this secret when you configure the backend sample.

Screenshot of the generate secrets dialog.

Add an idtyp optional claim

Under Token configuration, select Add optional claim. For Token type, select Access, and then select idtyp.

Screenshot showing adding claim idtyp.

Add API permissions

Under API permissions, add the permissions you need for your application. For the backend sample, add Azure Storage user_impersonation (for OneLake APIs) and Power BI Service Workspace.Read.all (for workload control APIs):

Screenshot showing adding API permissions.

To learn more about API permissions, see Update an app's requested permissions in Microsoft Entra ID.

Set your application to work with auth token v1

Under Manifest, make sure that accessTokenAcceptedVersion is set either to null or to 1.

Configure your application in Microsoft Entra ID by using a script

For a streamlined setup of your application in Microsoft Entra ID, you can use an automated PowerShell script (optional).

  1. Install the Azure CLI: To begin, install the Azure CLI for Windows.
  2. Execute the CreateDevAADApp.ps1 script: Run the CreateDevAADApp script. You're prompted to sign in by using the credentials of the user account under which you intend to create the application.
  3. Provide required information: When prompted, enter the name to use for your application, the workload name (prefixed with Org.), and your tenant ID.

When the script runs successfully, it returns all the details that are required to configure your workload. It also provides a direct URL to your application and an administrative consent URL for tenant-wide application authorization.

Example usage

To create an application named myWorkloadApp with the workload name Org.Myworkload for the specified tenant, run the following command in PowerShell:

powershell .\CreateDevAADApp.ps1 -applicationName "myWorkloadApp" -workloadName "Org.Myworkload" -tenantId "bbbbcccc-1111-dddd-2222-eeee3333ffff"

This example demonstrates how to use the CreateDevAADApp.ps1 script with command-line arguments to automate the application setup process. The provided tenant ID is an example only. Replace the example tenant ID with your actual tenant ID.

Configure your workload (backend)

  1. In the backend sample, go to the src/appsettings.json file in the repository and configure the settings:

    • PublisherTenantId: The tenant ID of the publisher.
    • ClientId: Your application ID (you can find it in the Microsoft Entra ID overview).
    • ClientSecret: The secret you created when you configured the Microsoft Entra app.
    • Audience: The ID URI you configured in the Microsoft Entra app.
  2. Configure the workloadManifest.xml file. In the repository, go to the src/Packages/manifest/files/WorkloadManifest.xml file. Under AADApp, configure AppId, redirectUri, and ResourceId (the ID URI).


Configure the workload local manifest


This step applies only in a developer mode scenario.

After you configure your application, update the following configurations in the configuration file that's located in the Frontend folder:

"DEV_AAD_CONFIG_AUDIENCE": "", // The ID URI configured in your application for a developer scenario

"DEV_AAD_CONFIG_REDIRECT_URI": "http://localhost:60006/close", // Or the path you configured in index.ts

"DEV_AAD_CONFIG_APPID": "" // Your app ID

Screenshot that shows the configuration of an file.