Microsoft Fabric data pipeline public REST API (Preview)


The Microsoft Fabric API for Data Factory is currently in public preview. This information relates to a prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it's released. Microsoft makes no warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the information provided here.

In Microsoft Fabric, Data Factory APIs consist solely of CRUD operations for pipelines and dataflows. Currently, only data pipelines are supported. Dataflows APIs will be released later. Other common areas for data integration projects are in separate APIs: schedules, monitoring, connections, have their own APIs in Fabric. The primary online reference documentation for Microsoft Fabric REST APIs can be found in Microsoft Fabric REST API references. Also refer to the Core items API and Job scheduler.

Mounting Public APIs

The Mounting Public APIs are now available. These APIs allow you to seamlessly integrate and access various public data sources within your data pipelines.

Obtain an authorization token

Option 1: Using MSAL.Net

Fabric API quickstart - Microsoft Fabric REST APIs

Use MSAL.Net to acquire a Microsoft Entra ID token for Fabric service with the following scopes: Workspace.ReadWrite.All, Item.ReadWrite.All. For more information about token acquisition with MSAL.Net to, see Token Acquisition - Microsoft Authentication Library for .NET.

Paste the Application (client) ID you copied earlier and paste it for ClientId variable.

Option 2: Using the Fabric Portal

Sign in into the Fabric Portal for the Tenant you want to test on, and press F12 to enter the browser's developer mode. In the console there, run:


Copy the token and paste it for the ClientId variable.

Item Definition with payload base64 encoded

  • Use Base64 Encode and Decode to encode your JSON.
  • Ensure that the Perform URL safe encoding box isn't checked.
  • You can get the pipeline definitions via the View --> View JSON code tab in the Fabric user interface.
    "name": "Pipeline_1_updated", 
    "objectId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
    "properties": { 
        "description": "this is the description", 
        "activities": [ 
                "name": "Wait1", 
                "type": "Wait", 
                "dependsOn": [], 
                "typeProperties": { 
                    "waitTimeInSeconds": 240 
        "annotations": [], 
        "lastModifiedByObjectId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
        "lastPublishTime": "2024-02-01T17:28:02Z" 

Take the properties object and surround them in braces - { } - so the REST Item definition payload would be:

    "properties": { 
        "description": "this is the description", 
        "activities": [ 
                "name": "Wait1", 
                "type": "Wait", 
                "dependsOn": [], 
                "typeProperties": { 
                    "waitTimeInSeconds": 240 
        "annotations": [], 
        "lastModifiedByObjectId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
        "lastPublishTime": "2024-02-01T17:28:02Z" 

Create item

REST API - Items - Create item

Example 1 - CreateDataPipeline:

POST<your WS Id>/items


  "displayName": "pipeline_1", 
  "type": "DataPipeline" 


The documentation states that there are only 2 required properties - displayName and type. Currently, Workload-DI does not support creation without a definition as well. The fix for this erroneous requirement is currently being deployed. For now, you can send the same default definition used by the Fabric user interface: ‘{"properties":{"activities":[]}}’

Modified JSON including definition:

  "displayName": "pipeline_1", 
  "type": "DataPipeline", 
  "definition": { 
    "parts": [ 
        "path": "pipeline-content.json", 
        "payload": "eyJwcm9wZXJ0aWVzIjp7ImFjdGl2aXRpZXMiOltdfX0=", 
        "payloadType": "InlineBase64" 

Response 201:

    "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
    "type": "DataPipeline", 
    "displayName": "Pipeline_1", 
    "description": "", 
    "workspaceId": "<Your WS Id>" 

Example 2 – Create MountedDataFactory

POST<your WS Id>/items



{"DataFactoryResourceId":"/subscriptions/<ADF subscription Id>/resourceGroups/<ADF resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/<ADF datafactory name>"} 

Encoded JSON:

  "displayName": "pipeline_mdf", 
  "type": " MountedDataFactory ", 
  "definition": { 
    "parts": [ 
        "path": "mountedDataFactory-content.json", 
        "payload": <base64 encoded value>, 
        "payloadType": "InlineBase64" 

Response 201:

    "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
    "type": "MountedDataFactory", 
    "displayName": "Pipeline_mdf", 
    "description": "", 
    "workspaceId": "<Your WS Id>"

Delete item

REST API - Items - Delete item


DELETE<your WS Id>/items/<pipeline id>

Response 200: (No body)

Get item

REST API - Items - Get item


GET<your WS Id>/items/<pipeline id>

Response 200:

    "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
    "type": "DataPipeline", 
    "displayName": "Pipeline_1", 
    "workspaceId": "<your WS Id>" 

Get item definition

REST API - Items - Get item definition


POST<your WS Id>/items/<pipeline id>/getDefinition

Response 200:

    "definition": { 
                "path": "pipeline-content.json", 
                "payload": "ewogICJwcm9wZXJ0aWVzIjogewogICAgImFjdGl2aXRpZXMiOiBbXQogIH0KfQ==", 
                "payloadType": "InlineBase64" 

List items

REST API - Items - List items


GET<your WS Id>/items

Response 200:

    "value": [ 
            "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
            "type": "SemanticModel", 
            "displayName": "deata_lh", 
            "description": "", 
            "workspaceId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" 
            "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
            "type": "SQLEndpoint", 
            "displayName": "deata_lh", 
            "description": "", 
            "workspaceId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" 
            "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
            "type": "Lakehouse", 
            "displayName": "deata_lh", 
            "description": "", 
            "workspaceId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" 
            "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", 
            "type": "DataPipeline", 
            "displayName": "Pipeline_1", 
            "description": "", 
            "workspaceId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" 

Update item

REST API - Items - Update item


PATCH<your WS Id>/items/<pipeline id>


  "displayName": "Pipeline_1_updated", 
  "description": "This is the description." 

Response 200:

    "id": "<pipeline id>", 
    "type": "DataPipeline", 
    "displayName": "Pipeline_1_updated", 
    "description": "This is the description.", 
    "workspaceId": "<Your WS id>" 

Update item definition

REST API - Items - Update item definition


POST<your WS Id>/items/<pipeline id>/updateDefinition


  "definition": { 
    "parts": [ 
        "path": "pipeline-content.json", 
        "payload": "eyJwcm9wZXJ0aWVzIjp7ImFjdGl2aXRpZXMiOltdfX0=", 
        "payloadType": "InlineBase64" 

Response 200: (No body)

Run on-demand item job

REST API - Items - Run on-demand item job


POST<your WS Id>/items/<pipeline id>/jobs/instances?jobType=Pipeline

Response 202: (No body)

Example with two parameter values:

Here we have a Wait activity with a parameter named param_waitsec to specify the number of seconds to wait.

POST<your WS Id>/items/<pipeline id>/jobs/instances?jobType=Pipeline


  "executionData": { 
    "parameters": {
      "param_waitsec": "10" 

Response 202: (No body)


There is no body returned currently, but the job Id should be returned. During the preview, it can be found in the returned headers, in the ‘Location’ property.

Get item job instance

REST API - Items - Get item job instance


GET<your WS Id>/items/<pipeline id>/jobs/instances/<job ID>

Response 200:

    "id": "4511ffcd-a9f6-4f75-91a9-9ceab08d7539", 
    "itemId": "2bb9fe4a-0a84-4725-a01f-7ac4e6850259", 
    "jobType": "Pipeline", 
    "invokeType": "Manual", 
    "status": "Completed", 
    "failureReason": null, 
    "rootActivityId": "f14bdd95-2cff-4451-b839-bea81509126d", 
    "startTimeUtc": "2024-02-01T03:03:19.8361605", 
    "endTimeUtc": "2024-02-01T03:05:00.3433333" 

Cancel item job instance

REST API - Items - Cancel item job instance


POST<your WS Id>/items/<pipeline id>/jobs/instances/<job ID>/cancel

Response 202: (No body)


After cancelling a job you can check the status either by calling Get item job instance or looking at the View run history in the Fabric user interface.

Query activity runs


POST<your WS Id>/datapipelines/pipelineruns/<job id>/queryactivityruns




"job id" is the same id created and used in the Job Scheduler Public APIs

Response 200:

        "pipelineName": "ca91f97e-5bdd-4fe1-b39a-1f134f26a701",
        "pipelineRunId": "bbbb1b1b-cc2c-dd3d-ee4e-ffffff5f5f5f",
        "activityName": "Wait1",
        "activityType": "Wait",
        "activityRunId": "cccc2c2c-dd3d-ee4e-ff5f-aaaaaa6a6a6a",
        "linkedServiceName": "",
        "status": "Succeeded",
        "activityRunStart": "2024-05-23T13:43:03.6397566Z",
        "activityRunEnd": "2024-05-23T13:43:31.3906179Z",
        "durationInMs": 27750,
        "input": {
            "waitTimeInSeconds": 27
        "output": {},
        "error": {
            "errorCode": "",
            "message": "",
            "failureType": "",
            "target": "Wait1",
            "details": ""
        "retryAttempt": null,
        "iterationHash": "",
        "userProperties": {},
        "recoveryStatus": "None",
        "integrationRuntimeNames": null,
        "executionDetails": null,
        "id": "/SUBSCRIPTIONS/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/RESOURCEGROUPS/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.TRIDENT/WORKSPACES/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/pipelineruns/bbbb1b1b-cc2c-dd3d-ee4e-ffffff5f5f5f/activityruns/cccc2c2c-dd3d-ee4e-ff5f-aaaaaa6a6a6a"

Known limitations

  • Service Principal Auth (SPN) is currently not supported.