Operation list
The following operations are available in the audit logs.
Friendly name | Operation name | Notes |
Abort copy blob operation | AbortCopyBlob | OneLake operation. Stops a pending Copy Blob operation, and leaves a destination blob with zero length and full metadata. |
Accept an invitation to external data share | AcceptExternalDataShare | Accept an invitation to external data share |
Add Admin Personal Workspace Access | AddAdminPersonalWorkspaceAccess | |
Add Artifact To Pipeline | AddArtifactToPipeline | |
Add Experiment Run | AddExperimentRun | |
Add Model Version | AddModelVersion | |
Add Tenant Key | AddTenantKey | |
Add Tile | AddTile | Add Tile is dashboard activity, which is generated on adding visuals as tiles to a Power BI Dashboard |
Add workload in a tenant or capacity | ExtensibilityActivationDynamic | Add a workload in a tenant or capacity from Workloads Hub |
Add workload version in a tenant | ExtensibilityActivationStatic | Add a specific version of a workload in a tenant |
Add workspace role | AddWorkspaceRoleViaAdminApi | Add workspace role |
Added Power BI folder access | AddFolderAccess | Not currently used |
Added Power BI group members | AddGroupMembers | |
Added data source to Power BI gateway | AddDatasourceToGateway | |
Added external resource | AddExternalResource | |
Added link to external resource | AddLinkToExternalResource | |
Added user to Power BI gateway cluster | AddUsersToGatewayCluster | Not currently used |
Added user to Power BI gateway cluster datasource | AddUsersToGatewayClusterDatasource | |
Admin Get Artifacts Byuser Id | AdminGetArtifactsByuserId | |
Admin attached dataflow storage account to tenant | AdminAttachedDataflowStorageAccountToTenant | Not currently used |
Analyze In Excel Dataset | AnalyzeInExcelDataset | |
Analyze In Excel Report | AnalyzeInExcelReport | |
Analyzed Power BI report | AnalyzeInExcel | Generated when a user selects Analyze in Excel on a report or semantic model in the service and successfully generates an Excel workbook |
Analyzed Power BI semantic model | AnalyzedByExternalApplication | Generated when users interact with the service |
Append block from URL | AppendBlockFromURL | OneLake operation. Writes a block of data from a URL to the end of an append blob (append blobs only) |
Append block to blob | AppendBlock | OneLake operation. Writes a block of data to the end of an append blob (append blobs only) |
Append data to file | AppendDataToFile | OneLake operation. Uploads data to be append to a file (DFS). |
Applied a change to model in Power BI | ApplyChangeToPowerBIModel | A user makes a change to an existing model. This occurs whenever any edit is made to the model (ex: write a DAX measure, manage relationships, etc.) |
Applied sensitivity label to Power BI item | SensitivityLabelApplied | |
Assign Workspace To Alm Pipeline | AssignWorkspaceToAlmPipeline | |
Assigned a workspace to a deployment pipeline | AssignWorkspaceToPipeline | Not currently used |
Attach Notebook Environment | AttachNotebookEnvironment | Attach the environment for Notebook. |
Attach source in GraphQL artifact | AttachSourceGraphQL | Attach source in graphql artifact |
Attached dataflow storage account | AttachedDataflowStorageAccount | |
Auto bind user credentials to git | AutoBindGitCredentials | Auto bind existing user credentials for a git provider to a git connection |
Binded Power BI semantic model to gateway | BindToGateway | |
Binded monikers to Power BI datasources | BindMonikersToDatasources | |
Branch Out in Git | BranchOutInGit | Branch out in Git is a workspace activity which is generated when a new workspace is created, which is connected to a newly forked git branch based on the git branch that is connected to the origin workspace. |
Cancel Datamart Batch | CancelDatamartBatch | |
Cancel Dataset Refresh | CancelDatasetRefresh | |
Cancel Publish Environment | CancelPublishEnvironment | Cancel publish environment |
Cancel Running Artifact | CancelRunningArtifact | |
Cancel Spark Application | CancelSparkApplication | |
Cancel Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse Batch | CancelSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseBatch | Canceled a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint batch. Previously named Canceled a default warehouse (Operation name: CancelDefaultWarehouseBatch) |
Cancel Warehouse Batch | CancelWarehouseBatch | |
Cancel Workspace Upgrades As Admin | CancelWorkspaceUpgradesAsAdmin | |
Cancel mounted warehouse batch | CancelMountedWarehouseBatch | Generated when a mounted warehouse batch is canceled |
Canceled Power BI dataflow refresh | CancelDataflowRefresh | |
Changed Power BI gateway admins | ChangeGatewayAdministrators | |
Changed Power BI gateway data source users | ChangeGatewayDatasourceUsers | |
Changed Power BI semantic model connections | SetAllConnections | |
Changed capacity state | ChangeCapacityState | |
Changed capacity user assignment | UpdateCapacityUsersAssignment | |
Changed sensitivity label for Power BI item | SensitivityLabelChanged | |
Check Scorecard Access | CheckScorecardAccess | Verifies the access permissions for a scorecard |
Check access to file or blob | CheckAccessFileOrBlob | OneLake operation. Checks if the calling user has permission to perform the specified operation |
Checkout Branch In Git | CheckoutBranchInGit | |
Cleanup unused or corrupted files from dataflows' refreshes | CleanupDataflow | Cleanup unused or corrupted files from dataflows' refreshes |
Clone Tile | CloneTile | |
Co Author Notebook | CoAuthorNotebook | |
Commit Notebook | CommitNotebook | |
Commit To Git | CommitToGit | Commit To Git is an artifact activity, which is generated when users commit artifact to Git. |
Completed an artifact access request action in Power BI | ArtifactAccessRequest | Tracks the notification sent to approvers when a request is created or denied. |
Connect To Git | ConnectToGit | Connect To Git is a workspace activity, which is generated when users connect the workspace to Git. |
Connected to Power BI semantic model from external app | ConnectFromExternalApplication | |
Connected to a Warehouse or SQL analytics endpoint from an external app | ConnectWarehouseAndSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseFromExternalApp | Previously named Connected to a warehouse or default warehouse from an external app (Operation name: ConnectWarehouseAndDefaultWarehouseFromExternalApp) |
Convert Personal Workspace To Workspace | ConvertPersonalWorkspaceToWorkspace | |
Copied Power BI dashboard | CopyDashboard | |
Copied Power BI report | CopyReport | |
Copy Scorecard | CopyScorecard | |
Copy blob | CopyBlob | OneLake operation. Copies a source blob to a destination blob in this storage account or in another storage account. |
Create an SQL query from a Warehouse | CreateSqlQueryFromWarehouse | |
Create Artifact | CreateArtifact | |
Create Branch In Git | CreateBranchInGit | Create Branch In Git is a git provider activity, which is generated when users create branch in Git. |
Create Cloud Datasource From Kind Path | CreateCloudDatasourceFromKindPath | |
Create Cloud Datasource | CreateCloudDatasource | |
Create Data Sharing | CreateDataSharing | Create a new external data share |
Create Datamart | CreateDatamart | Triggered when a new Datamart is created in a Workspace |
Create Dataset By Quick Share | CreateDatasetByQuickShare | |
Create Directory In Git | CreateDirectoryInGit | Create Directory In Git is a git provider activity, which is generated when users create directory in Git. |
Create Environment Resource | CreateEnvironmentResource | Create resources in environment |
Create Fabric Identity for Workspace | CreateWorkspaceIdentityViaApi | Create a Fabric identity for a workspace |
Create Folder | CreateFolder | Indicates a creation of a new workspace |
Create Gateway Cluster User | CreateGatewayClusterUser | |
Create Gateway Tenant Key | CreateGatewayTenantKey | |
Create Goal Value Categories | CreateGoalValueCategories | |
Create Hierarchy Goal Value | CreateHierarchyGoalValue | |
Create Hierarchy Note | CreateHierarchyNote | |
Create Lakehouse File | CreateLakehouseFile | |
Create Lakehouse Folder | CreateLakehouseFolder | |
Create Lakehouse Shortcut | CreateLakehouseShortcutLink | |
Create Lakehouse Table | CreateLakehouseTable | |
Create Link Goals | CreateLinkGoals | |
Create Managed Private Endpoint | CreateManagedPrivateEndpoint | Create a private endpoint within a managed virtual network for a workspace |
Create Managed VNet | CreateManagedVNet | Create managed virtual network for a workspace |
Create MetricSet Metric Endpoint | CreateMetricSetMetric | Create metric in a metricset endpoint |
Create Notebook Resource | CreateNotebookResource | Create resources in notebook. |
Create Org App | CreateOrgApp | |
Create Personal Datasource | CreatePersonalDatasource | |
Create Report From Lakehouse | CreateReportFromLakehouse | |
Create Scorecard Hierarchy | CreateScorecardHierarchy | |
Create Scorecard View | CreateScorecardView | |
Create Semantic Metric Endpoint | CreateSemanticMetric | Create standalone semantic metric endpoint |
Create Service Principal Profile | CreateServicePrincipalProfile | |
Create Template App Package | CreateTemplateAppPackage | Create Template App Package is an app activity, which is generated on creation of a Template App Package |
Create Temporary Upload Location | CreateTemporaryUploadLocation | Generated when a temporary upload URL is created. |
Created visual query from a Warehouse | CreateVisualQueryFromWarehouse | |
Create Warehouse | CreateWarehouse | |
Create Workspace | CreateWorkspace | |
Create a shortcut | CreateShortcut | OneLake operation. Part of Shortcut Controller |
Create an external data share | CreateExternalDataShare | Create an external data share |
Create blob from URL | PutBlobFromURL | OneLake operation. Creates a new blob or replaces an existing one where contents are from a URL. |
Create blob | PutBlob | OneLake operation. Creates a new blob or replaces an existing one. |
Create block list | PutBlockList | OneLake operation. Commits a blob by specifying the set of block IDs that comprise the block blob. |
Create block | PutBlock | OneLake operation. Creates a new block to be committed as part of a block blob. |
Create container | CreateContainer | OneLake operation. Creates a new workspace in OneLake |
Create directory | CreateDirectory | OneLake operation. Creates a new directory. |
Create file system | CreateFileSystem | OneLake operation. Creates a new workspace. |
Create file | CreateFile | OneLake operation. Creates a new file. |
Create gateway cluster data source from kind path JSON | CreateGatewayClusterDatasourceFromKindPath | Create gateway cluster data source from kind path JSON |
Create or update data access roles | CreateOrUpdateDataAccessRoles | Creates or updates data access roles |
Create subfolder | CreateSubfolder | |
Create task flow | CreateTaskFlow | |
Create virtual network data gateway proxy | CreateVirtualNetworkDataGatewayProxy | Create HTTP proxy for virtual network data gateway |
Created Power BI app | CreateApp | |
Created Power BI dashboard | CreateDashboard | |
Created Power BI dataflow | CreateDataflow | |
Created Power BI email subscription | CreateEmailSubscription | |
Created Power BI gateway cluster datasource | CreateGatewayClusterDatasource | |
Created Power BI gateway | CreateGateway | |
Created Power BI group | CreateGroup | |
Created Power BI report | CreateReport | |
Created Power BI semantic model from external app | CreateDatasetFromExternalApplication | |
Created Power BI semantic model | CreateDataset | |
Created a Power BI metric value | CreateGoalValue | |
Created a Power BI scorecard metric | CreateGoal | |
Created a Power BI scorecard | CreateScorecard | |
Created a visual query from an SQL analytics endpoint | CreateVisualQueryFromSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouse | |
Created a Power BI template or a workspace for a template app | CreateTemplateApp | |
Created an install ticket for installing Power BI template app | CreateTemplateAppInstallTicket | |
Created an organizational custom visual | InsertOrganizationalGalleryItem | |
Created an SQL query from a SQL analytics endpoint | CreateSqlQueryFromSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouse | |
Created deployment pipeline | CreateAlmPipeline | |
Custom visual requested Azure AD access token | GenerateCustomVisualAADAccessToken | |
Custom visual requested Office Web Apps access token | CustomVisualWACAccessToken | Not currently used |
D L P Info | DLPInfo | |
D L P Rule Match | DLPRuleMatch | |
D L P Rule Undo | DLPRuleUndo | |
Dataflow migrated to external storage account | DataflowMigratedToExternalStorageAccount | Not currently used |
Dataflow permissions added | DataflowPermissionsAdded | Not currently used |
Dataflow permissions removed | DataflowPermissionsRemoved | Not currently used |
Delete Alm Pipeline Access As Admin | DeleteAlmPipelineAccessAsAdmin | |
Delete Alm Pipeline Access | DeleteAlmPipelineAccess | |
Delete Artifact | DeleteArtifact | |
Delete Capacity Delegation settings | DeleteCapacityTenantSettingDelegation | Delete Capacity delegation settings. |
Delete Datamart | DeleteDatamart | |
Delete Domain | DeleteDataDomainAsAdmin | Delete Domain |
Delete Domain's Folder Relation As Folder Owner | DeleteDataDomainFolderRelationsAsFolderOwner | Delete Domain's Folder Relation As Folder Owner |
Delete Environment Resource | DeleteEnvironmentResource | Delete resources in environment |
Delete Experiment Run | DeleteExperimentRun | |
Delete Fabric Identity for Workspace | DeleteWorkspaceIdentityViaApi | Delete a Fabric identity for a workspace |
Delete Folder | DeleteFolder | Indicated a deletion of a workspace |
Delete Goal Current Value Rollup | DeleteGoalCurrentValueRollup | |
Delete Goal Status Rules | DeleteGoalStatusRules | |
Delete Goal Target Value Connection | DeleteGoalTargetValueConnection | |
Delete Goal Target Value Rollup | DeleteGoalTargetValueRollup | |
Delete Goal Value Categories | DeleteGoalValueCategories | |
Delete Goal Value | DeleteGoalValue | |
Delete Goals | DeleteGoals | |
Delete Group Workspace | DeleteGroupWorkspace | |
Delete Hierarchy Goal Value | DeleteHierarchyGoalValue | |
Delete Hierarchy Note | DeleteHierarchyNote | |
Delete Lakehouse File | DeleteLakehouseFile | |
Delete Lakehouse Folder | DeleteLakehouseFolder | |
Delete Lakehouse Table | DeleteLakehouseTable | |
Delete Link Goals | DeleteLinkGoals | |
Delete Managed Private Endpoint | DeleteManagedPrivateEndpoint | Delete a private endpoint within a managed virtual network for a workspace |
Delete Managed VNet | DeleteManagedVNet | Delete managedvirtual network for a workspace |
Delete MetricSet Metric Endpoint | DeleteMetricSetMetric | Delete metric in a metricset endpoint |
Delete Model Version | DeleteModelVersion | Triggered when a Machine Learning Model version is removed |
Delete Notebook Resource | DeleteNotebookResource | Update resources in notebook. |
Delete Scorecard Hierarchy | DeleteScorecardHierarchy | Triggered when a scorecard hierarchy is deleted. That is, the hierarchy's metadata is deleted, not the values of the goals in it. |
Delete Scorecard View | DeleteScorecardView | Triggered when a scorecard view (list, heatmap and compact) is deleted. |
Delete Semantic Metric Endpoint | DeleteSemanticMetric | Delete standalone semantic metric endpoint |
Delete Service Principal Profile As Admin | DeleteServicePrincipalProfileAsAdmin | |
Delete Service Principal Profile | DeleteServicePrincipalProfile | |
Delete Template App Package | DeleteTemplateAppPackage | Delete Template App Package is an app activity, which is generated on deletion of a Template App package |
Delete Tile | DeleteTile | Delete Tile is a dashboard activity, which is generated on deletion of tiles from a Power BI Dashboard |
Delete Warehouse | DeleteWarehouse | |
Delete Workspace Via Admin Api | DeleteWorkspaceViaAdminApi | |
Delete a shortcut | DeleteShortcut | OneLake operation. Part of Shortcut Controller |
Delete admin monitoring folder via lockbox | DeleteAdminMonitoringFolderViaLockbox | |
Delete admin usage dashboards via lockbox | DeleteAdminUsageDashboardsViaLockbox | |
Delete all Domain's Folders Relations | DeleteAllDataDomainFoldersRelationsAsAdmin | Delete all Domain's Folders Relations |
Delete blob | DeleteBlob | OneLake operation. Deletes a folder or file. |
Delete configured credentials | DeleteGitProviderCredentials | Delete configured git provider credentials for a specific user |
Delete container | DeleteContainer | OneLake operation. Deletes a workspace. |
Delete file system | DeleteFileSystem | OneLake operation. Deletes a workspace. |
Delete file | DeleteFileOrBlob | OneLake operation. Deletes a folder or file. |
Delete source in GraphQL artifact | DeleteSourceGraphQL | Delete source in graphql artifact |
Delete subfolder | DeleteSubfolder | |
Delete usage metrics v2 package via lockbox | DeleteUsageMetricsv2PackageViaLockbox | |
Delete virtual network data gateway proxy | DeleteVirtualNetworkDataGatewayProxy | Delete HTTP proxy for virtual network data gateway |
Delete workload package | ExtensibilityDeletePackage | Delete a workload package |
Delete workspace role | DeleteWorkspaceRoleViaAdminApi | Delete workspace role |
DeleteDelete Workspace Delegation settings | DeleteWorkspaceTenantSettingDelegation | Delete Workspace Delegation settings. |
Deleted Power BI comment | DeleteComment | |
Deleted Power BI dashboard | DeleteDashboard | |
Deleted Power BI dataflow | DeleteDataflow | |
Deleted Power BI email subscription | DeleteEmailSubscription | |
Deleted Power BI folder access | DeleteFolderAccess | Not currently used |
Deleted Power BI gateway cluster datasource | DeleteGatewayClusterDatasource | |
Deleted Power BI gateway cluster | DeleteGatewayCluster | |
Deleted Power BI gateway | DeleteGateway | |
Deleted Power BI group | DeleteGroup | |
Deleted Power BI metric | DeleteGoal | |
Deleted Power BI note | DeleteNote | |
Deleted Power BI report | DeleteReport | |
Deleted Power BI scorecard | DeleteScorecard | |
Deleted Power BI semantic model from external app | DeleteDatasetFromExternalApplication | |
Deleted Power BI semantic model rows | DeleteDatasetRows | Indicates that the Push Datasets - Datasets DeleteRows API was called |
Deleted Power BI semantic model | DeleteDataset | |
Deleted Power BI template app or a workspace for a template app | DeleteTemplateApp | |
Deleted a SQL query from a SQL analytics endpoint | DeleteSqlQueryFromSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouse | This audit event covers both deleting SQL and visual queries from the SQL analytics endpoint of the Lakehouse |
Deleted SQL query from a Warehouse | DeleteSqlQueryFromWarehouse | Covers both deleting SQL and visual queries from the Warehouse |
Deleted an organizational custom visual | DeleteOrganizationalGalleryItem | |
Deleted current value connection of Power BI metric | DeleteGoalCurrentValueConnection | |
Deleted deployment pipeline | DeleteAlmPipeline | |
Deleted link to external resource | DeleteLinkToExternalResource | |
Deleted member of Power BI gateway cluster | DeleteGatewayClusterMember | |
Deleted organizational Power BI content pack | DeleteOrgApp | |
Deleted sensitivity label from Power BI item | SensitivityLabelRemoved | |
Deleted snapshot for user in Power BI tenant | DeleteSnapshot | Generated when a user deletes a snapshot that describes a semantic model |
Deploy Model Version | DeployModelVersion | |
Deploy user application in FunctionSet | DeployUserAppFunctionSet | Deploy user application through FunctionSet artifact |
Deployed to a pipeline stage | DeployAlmPipeline | |
Detect Customizations For Solution | DetectCustomizationsForSolution | |
Determine if the user can share a datasource | DeterminePrincipalCanShareDatasource | Get the policy decision for the user to share a datasource |
Disconnect From Git | DisconnectFromGit | Disconnect From Git is a workspace activity, which is generated when users disconnect the workspace from Git. |
Discovered Power BI semantic model data sources | GetDatasources | |
Downgrade Workspace | DowngradeWorkspace | |
Download Environment Resource | DownloadEnvironmentResource | Download resources in environment |
Download Notebook Resource | DownloadNotebookResource | Delete resources in notebook. |
Download Spark App Log | DownloadSparkAppLog | |
Downloaded Power BI report | DownloadReport | |
Downloaded Exported Power BI artifact file | ExportArtifactDownload | An export of the .pptx or .pdf file is complete |
Drop Lakehouse File | DropLakehouseFile | |
Drop Lakehouse Folder | DropLakehouseFolder | |
Drop Lakehouse Table | DropLakehouseTable | |
Edit Artifact Endorsement | EditArtifactEndorsement | |
Edit Report Description | EditReportDescription | |
Edit Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse Endorsement | EditSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseEndorsement | Edited a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint endorsement |
Edit Tile | EditTile | Edit Tile is a dashboard activity, which is generated on changes or edits to settings for tiles in a Power BI Dashboard |
Edit Warehouse Endorsement | EditWarehouseEndorsement | |
Edit Widget Tile | EditWidgetTile | |
Edit mounted warehouse endorsements | EditMountedWarehouseEndorsement | Generated when mounted warehouse endorsements are edited |
Edited Power BI app endorsement | EditContentProviderProperties | |
Edited Power BI certification permission | EditCertificationPermission | Not currently used |
Edited Power BI dashboard | EditDashboard | Not currently used |
Edited Power BI dataflow endorsement | EditDataflowProperties | |
Edited Power BI report endorsement | EditReportProperties | |
Edited Power BI report | EditReport | |
Edited Power BI semantic model endorsement | EditDatamartEndorsement | |
Edited Power BI semantic model from external app | EditDatasetFromExternalApplication | |
Edited Power BI semantic model properties | EditDatasetProperties | |
Edited Power BI semantic model | EditDataset | |
Enable/Disable AllowedInUntrustedContexts settings | AllowedInUntrustedContextsViaApi | Enable or disable AllowedInUntrustedContexts settings |
Encrypted credentials for Power BI gateway datasource | EncryptCredentials | |
Encrypted credentials using Power BI gateway cluster | EncryptClusterCredentials | |
Evaluate Diagnostics Download | EvaluateDiagnosticsDownload | |
Evaluate Diagnostics Query | EvaluateDiagnosticsQuery | |
Evaluate chat response based on the data gateway diagnostics data | EvaluateDiagnosticsChat | Evaluate chat response based on the data gateway diagnostics data |
Evaluate data sources against DMTS data policies | EvaluateDataSourcesAgainstTenantDlpPolicies | Evaluate data sources against DMTS data policies |
Explore Dataset | ExploreDataset | |
Export Package For Solution | ExportPackageForSolution | |
Export Power BI activity events | ExportActivityEvents | |
Export Scorecard | ExportScorecard | Exports a scorecard |
Exported Power BI dataflow | ExportDataflow | |
Exported Power BI item to another file format | ExportArtifact | |
Exported Power BI report to another file format or exported report visual data | ExportReport | |
Exported Power BI tile data | ExportTile | |
Extract Template App Package | ExtractTemplateAppPackage | Extract Template App Package is an app activity, which is generated when users extract an existing Template App into another Power BI Template App Workspace |
Fetch a shortcut's metadata | GetShortcut | OneLake operation. Part of Shortcut Controller |
Finish Publish Environment | FinishPublishEnvironment | Finish publish environment |
Flush data to file | FlushDataToFile | OneLake operation. Proxy calls |
Follow Goal | FollowGoal | |
Gateway Cluster S S O Test Connection | GatewayClusterSSOTestConnection | |
Generate Custom Visual W A C Access Token | GenerateCustomVisualWACAccessToken | |
Generate Multi Resource Embed Token | GenerateMultiResourceEmbedToken | |
Generate screenshot | GenerateScreenshot | |
Generated Power BI Embed Token | GenerateEmbedToken | |
Generated Power BI dataflow SAS token | GenerateDataflowSasToken | |
Get All Private Link Services For Tenant | GetAllPrivateLinkServicesForTenant | |
Get All Scorecards | GetAllScorecards | |
Get Alm Pipeline Users As Admin | GetAlmPipelineUsersAsAdmin | |
Get Alm Pipelines As Admin | GetAlmPipelinesAsAdmin | |
Get Artifact Access By User Id Via Admin Api | GetArtifactAccessByUserIdViaAdminApi | |
Get Artifact Link Shared To Whole Org As Admin | GetArtifactLinkSharedToWholeOrgAsAdmin | |
Get Artifact Users Via Admin Api | GetArtifactUsersViaAdminApi | |
Get Artifacts By Id Via Admin Api | GetArtifactsByIdViaAdminApi | |
Get Artifacts Via Admin Api | GetArtifactsViaAdminApi | |
Get Batch Lakehouse Table Details | GetBatchLakehouseTableDetails | |
Get Cloud Supported Datasources | GetCloudSupportedDatasources | |
Get Dashboards In Group As Admin | GetDashboardsInGroupAsAdmin | |
Get Dataflow Users As Admin | GetDataflowUsersAsAdmin | |
Get Dataflows In Group As Admin | GetDataflowsInGroupAsAdmin | |
Get Dataset Info | GetDatasetInfo | Get the info of the dataset |
Get Dataset Query Scale-Out Sync Status | GetDatasetQueryScaleOutSyncStatus | Get Dataset Query Scale-Out Sync Status is a dataset activity, which is generated when users request the sync status of a scale out-enabled Power BI dataset. |
Get Dataset Users As Admin | GetDatasetUsersAsAdmin | |
Get Datasets In Group As Admin | GetDatasetsInGroupAsAdmin | |
Get Datasource Details With Credentials Async | GetDatasourceDetailsWithCredentialsAsync | |
Get Dax Capabilities | GetDaxCapabilities | |
Get Default Scorecard View | GetDefaultScorecardView | |
Get Domain Delegation settings | DeleteDomainTenantSettingDelegation | Delete Domain Delegation settings. |
Get Fabric Identity Token for Workspace | GetWorkspaceIdentityTokenViaApi | Get a Fabric identity token for a workspace |
Get Fabric Identity for Workspace | GetWorkspaceIdentityViaApi | Get a Fabric identity for a workspace |
Get Followed Goals | GetFollowedGoals | |
Get Gateway Cluster | GetGatewayCluster | |
Get Gateway Clusters With Role Options | GetGatewayClustersWithRoleOptions | |
Get Gateway Container I P Configuration | GetGatewayContainerIPConfiguration | |
Get Gateway Container N S Lookup Details | GetGatewayContainerNSLookupDetails | |
Get Gateway Container Test Net Connection Details | GetGatewayContainerTestNetConnectionDetails | |
Get Gateway datasource limit status | GetGatewayDatasourceLimitStatus | Gets the datasource limit status of the gateway or tenant cloud gateway |
Get Goal By Hierarchy Item Ids | GetGoalByHierarchyItemIds | |
Get Goal Status Rules | GetGoalStatusRules | |
Get Goal Value Categories | GetGoalValueCategories | |
Get Groups As Admin | GetGroupsAsAdmin | Get Groups as Admin is a workspace activity, which is generated on retrieving list of Power BI workspaces using an API call. |
Get Hierarchy Goal Values | GetHierarchyGoalValues | |
Get Lakehouse Table Details | GetLakehouseTableDetails | |
Get MetricSet Metric Endpoint | GetMetricSetMetric | Read metric in a metricset endpoint |
Get Model Diagram Layouts | GetPowerBIDataModelDiagramLayouts | Get diagram layouts when open data model in web model view. |
Get Model SAS Token via Lockbox | GetModelSASTokenViaLockbox | Gets the SAS Token for a given model in a tenant via Lockbox |
Get My Goals | GetMyGoals | |
Get Pending Change Status | GetPendingChangeStatus | |
Get Power BI group users | GetGroupUsers | |
Get Publish To Web Artifacts As Admin | GetPublishToWebArtifactsAsAdmin | |
Get Relevant Measures | GetRelevantMeasures | |
Get Reports As Admin | GetReportsAsAdmin | |
Get Reports In Group As Admin | GetReportsInGroupAsAdmin | Get Reports in Group as Admin is a workspace activity, which is generated on retrieving the reports present inside a Power BI workspace using an API call. |
Get Roles For Scorecard | GetRolesForScorecard | Gets the roles for a scorecard |
Get Scorecard Additional Properties | GetScorecardAdditionalProperties | Gets the additional properties on a scorecard |
Get Scorecard By Hierarchy Item Ids | GetScorecardByHierarchyItemIds | |
Get Scorecard Hierarchies | GetScorecardHierarchies | |
Get Scorecard Hierarchy Items | GetScorecardHierarchyItems | |
Get Scorecard Hierarchy | GetScorecardHierarchy | |
Get Scorecard View | GetScorecardView | |
Get Scorecard Views | GetScorecardViews | |
Get Scorecards As Admin | GetScorecardsAsAdmin | Get all the scorecards as an admin |
Get Semantic Metric Endpoint | GetSemanticMetric | Read standalone semantic metric endpoint |
Get Service Principal Profile | GetServicePrincipalProfile | |
Get Service Principal Profiles As Admin | GetServicePrincipalProfilesAsAdmin | |
Get Service Principal Profiles | GetServicePrincipalProfiles | |
Get Subscription Users By Dashboard Id As Admin | GetSubscriptionUsersByDashboardIdAsAdmin | |
Get Subscription Users By Report Id As Admin | GetSubscriptionUsersByReportIdAsAdmin | |
Get Subscriptions For User As Admin | GetSubscriptionsForUserAsAdmin | |
Get Tenant Settings Via Admin Api | GetTenantSettingsViaAdminApi | |
Get USEC roles for an artifact | GetArtifactRoles | OneLake operation. |
Get Unused Artifacts | GetUnusedArtifacts | |
Get User Datasource Limit Status | GetUserDatasourceLimitStatus | |
Get User Datasources By Data Source Reference | GetUserDatasourcesByDataSourceReference | |
Get Virtual Network | GetVirtualNetwork | |
Get Workspace Users Via Admin Api | GetWorkspaceUsersViaAdminApi | |
Get Workspaces By Id Via Admin Api | GetWorkspacesByIdViaAdminApi | |
Get Workspaces Via Admin Api | GetWorkspacesViaAdminApi | |
Get a task flow | GetTaskFlow | |
Get access control list for file | GetAccessControlListForFile | OneLake operation. Returns the permissions list for a file. |
Get all connections | GetAllConnections | Get all connections |
Get all metric sets Endpoint | GetAllMetricSets | Get all metric sets endpoint |
Get blob metadata | GetBlobMetadata | OneLake operation. Retrieves all user-defined metadata of an existing file or folder. |
Get blob | GetBlob | OneLake operation. Reads or downloads a blob from OneLake, including its user-defined metadata and system properties. |
Get block list | GetBlockList | OneLake operation. Retrieves the list of blocks that have been uploaded as part of a block blob. |
Get data artifact table details | GetDataArtifactTableDetails | Get the details (for example, schema) for a data item table |
Get datasource share policy | GetDatasourceShareTenantPolicy | Retrieve the datasource share policy set by the tenant |
Get delegated capacity tenant setting overrides | GetCapacityDelegatedTenantSettingOverridesViaAdminApi | Get capacity delegated tenant setting overrides |
Get delegated domain tenant setting overrides | GetDomainDelegatedTenantSettingOverridesViaAdminApi | Get domain delegated tenant setting overrides |
Get delegated workspace tenant setting overrides | GetWorkspaceDelegatedTenantSettingOverridesViaAdminApi | Get workspace delegated tenant setting overrides |
Get file or blob properties | GetFileOrBlobProperties | OneLake operation. Returns all system properties and user-defined metadata on the file or folder.. |
Get list of users part of the datasource share policy | GetDatasourceSharePrincipalsPolicy | Retrieve the datasource share principals that are part of policy set by the tenant |
Get path status | GetPathStatus | OneLake operation. Returns all system defined properties for a path. |
Get properties | GetProperties | OneLake operation. Returns all system and user defined properties for a path |
Get query text from secured telemetry store via Lockbox | GetQueryTextTelemetryViaLockbox | Retrieved query text from secured telemetry store via Azure Lockbox |
Get refresh history via lockbox | GetRefreshHistoryViaLockbox | |
Get single connection by ID | GetConnection | Get single connection by ID |
Get the Details of a Moniker | DiscoverSystemDetailsOfMoniker | Get Moniker and related Data Sources information |
Get the current set of DLP policies applied on the Tenant | GetTenantDlpPolicies | Get the current set of DLP policies applied on the Tenant |
Get virtual network data gateway proxy | GetVirtualNetworkDataGatewayProxy | Get HTTP proxy info for virtual network data gateway |
Goals Create Role | GoalsCreateRole | |
Goals Delete Role | GoalsDeleteRole | |
Goals Get Role | GoalsGetRole | |
Goals Update Role | GoalsUpdateRole | |
Import Package For Solution | ImportPackageForSolution | |
Import file to Power BI ended | ImportArtifactEnd | Generated when importing Power BI Desktop files (.pbix). ImportSource indicates Power BI or OneDriveSharePoint. ImportType tells you if the file is new (Publish) or is being updated (Republish). |
Import file to Power BI started | ImportArtifactStart | Generated when importing Power BI Desktop files (.pbix). When ImportSource is PowerBI, the file import originated from a Power BI client or API. When ImportSource is OneDriveSharePoint, the file import originated from OneDrive or a SharePoint document library. |
Imported file to Power BI | Import | |
Initiate Cloud O Auth Login | InitiateCloudOAuthLogin | |
Initiated Power BI gateway cluster authentication process | InitiateGatewayClusterOAuthLogin | |
Insert Domain | InsertDataDomainAsAdmin | Insert Domain |
Inserted Power BI note | InsertNote | |
Inserted or updated current value connection of Power BI metric | UpsertGoalCurrentValueConnection | |
Inserted or updated target value connection of Power BI metric | UpsertGoalTargetValueConnection | |
Inserted snapshot for user in Power BI tenant | InsertSnapshot | Generated when user uploads a snapshot that describes their semantic model |
Install Teams Analytics Report | InstallTeamsAnalyticsReport | |
Installed Power BI app | InstallApp | |
Installed Power BI template app | InstallTemplateApp | |
Instantiate App | InstantiateApp | |
Lease blob | LeaseBlob | OneLake operation. Establishes and manages a lock on write and delete operations. |
Lease container | LeaseContainer | OneLake operation. Establishes and manages a lock on write and delete operations. |
Lease path | LeasePath | OneLake operation. Establishes and manages a lock on write and delete operations. |
List Lakehouse Tables | ListLakehouseTables | |
List blobs | ListBlob | OneLake operation. List all blobs in a workspace |
List data access roles | ListDataAccessRoles | Returns a list of data access roles |
List file paths | ListFilePath | OneLake operation. Lists all files in a path. |
Load Lakehouse Table | LoadLakehouseTable | |
Load Spark App Log | LoadSparkAppLog | |
Manage Relationships | ManageRelationships | |
Map Upn | MapUpn | |
Migrated dataflow storage location | MigratedDataflowStorageLocation | Not currently used |
Migrated workspace to a capacity | MigrateWorkspaceIntoCapacity | |
Modify Workspace Capacity | ModifyWorkspaceCapacity | Modify Workspace Capacity is a capacity activity, which is generated on assigning a Power BI workspace to a capacity using an API call or the UI. |
Move Goals | MoveGoals | Moves goals within a scorecard |
Move Scorecard | MoveScorecard | |
Move items into subfolder | MoveItemsIntoSubfolder | |
No Activity | NoActivity | |
Opt In For P P U Trial | OptInForPPUTrial | |
Override Sjd Spark Settings | OverrideSjdSparkSettings | |
Patch Gateway Cluster | PatchGatewayCluster | |
Patch Goal Value Categories | PatchGoalValueCategories | |
Patch file system | PatchFileSystem | OneLake operation. Sets properties for a workspace. |
Patched Power BI metric value | PatchGoalValue | |
Patched Power BI metric | PatchGoal | |
Patched Power BI note | PatchNote | |
Patched Power BI scorecard | PatchScorecard | |
Permanently delete Workspaces | DeleteWorkspacesPermanentlyAsAdmin | Generated when workspaces are permanently deleted by an admin |
Pin Report Get Channels In Team | PinReportGetChannelsInTeam | |
Pin Report Get User Joined Teams | PinReportGetUserJoinedTeams | |
Pin Report To Teams Channel | PinReportToTeamsChannel | |
Pin Tile | PinTile | |
Pin Widget Tile | PinWidgetTile | |
Post Dataset Rows | PostDatasetRows | |
Post Notebook Comment | PostNotebookComment | |
Post configure credentials | PostGitProviderCredentials | Configure git provider credentials for a specific user |
Posted Power BI comment | PostComment | |
Preview Lakehouse Table | PreviewLakehouseTable | |
Printed Power BI Dashboard | PrintDashboard | |
Printed Power BI report page | PrintReport | |
Promoted Power BI template app | PromoteTemplateAppPackage | |
Provision Scorecard | ProvisionScorecard | |
Publish/Unpublish a workload | ExtensibilityUpdatePublishingState | Publish or unpublish a workload, making it available or unavailable in Workloads Hub |
PublishDataflow | PublishDataflow | Publish Dataflow |
Published Power BI report to web | PublishToWebReport | |
Put Table | PutTable | |
Query blob contents | QueryBlobContents | OneLake operation. Applies a SQL statement on a blob's contents, only returning the specified subset. |
Ran Power BI email subscription | RunEmailSubscription | |
Re-encrypted credentials using Power gateway cluster | ReencryptCredentials | |
Read Artifact | ReadArtifact | |
Read Environment Resource | ReadEnvironmentResource | Read resources in environment |
Read Experiment Run | ReadExperimentRun | |
Read file or get blob | ReadFileOrGetBlob | OneLake operation. Reads a file in OneLake. |
ReadDataflow | ReadDataflow | Read Dataflow |
Rebind Report | RebindReport | |
Received Power BI dataflow secret from Key Vault | ReceiveDataflowSecretFromKeyVault | |
Refresh Datamart | RefreshDatamart | |
Refresh Goal Current Value Rollup | RefreshGoalCurrentValueRollup | |
Refresh Goal Target Value Rollup | RefreshGoalTargetValueRollup | |
Refresh Lakehouse Data | RefreshLakehouseData | |
Refresh Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse Metadata | RefreshSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseMetadata | Refreshed metadata for a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint. Previously named Refreshed metadata for a default warehouse (Operation name: RefreshDefaultWarehouseMetadata) |
Refresh mounted warehouse metadata | RefreshMountedWarehouseMetadata | Generated when mounted warehouse metadata is refreshed |
Refreshed current value of Power BI metric | RefreshGoalCurrentValue | |
Refreshed target value of Power BI metric | RefreshGoalTargetValue | |
Register workload development instance | ExtensibilityRegisterDevInstance | Register a development instance of a workload |
Remove Admin Personal Workspace Access | RemoveAdminPersonalWorkspaceAccess | |
Remove workload | ExtensibilityDeactivation | Remove a workload from a tenant or capacity |
Removed Power BI group members | DeleteGroupMembers | |
Removed a workspace from a deployment pipeline | UnassignWorkspaceFromPipeline | Not currently used |
Removed data source from Power BI gateway | RemoveDatasourceFromGateway | |
Removed user from Power BI gateway cluster datasource | RemoveGatewayClusterDatasourceUser | |
Removed user from Power BI gateway cluster | RemoveGatewayClusterUser | |
Removed workspace from a capacity | RemoveWorkspacesFromCapacity | |
Rename Datamart | RenameDatamart | |
Rename Lakehouse File | RenameLakehouseFile | |
Rename Lakehouse Folder | RenameLakehouseFolder | |
Rename Lakehouse Table | RenameLakehouseTable | |
Rename Report | RenameReport | Rename Report is a report activity, which is generated on renaming the name of a Power BI Report through its settings |
Rename Warehouse | RenameWarehouse | |
Rename file or directory | RenameFileOrDirectory | OneLake operation. Renames a file or directory in OneLake. |
Renamed Power BI dashboard | RenameDashboard | |
Request Cognitive Service | RequestCognitiveService | Request Cognitive Service in ML workload. |
Request Copilot features in Fabric | RequestCopilot | Request Copilot features in Fabric |
Request OpenAI by Spark code in Fabric | RequestSparkCodeFirst | Request OpenAI by Spark code in Fabric |
Request OpenAI model | RequestOpenAI | Request OpenAI models in ML workload. |
Requested Power BI dataflow refresh | RequestDataflowRefresh | A dataflow refresh starts. The refresh can be scheduled or triggered manually from the portal or an API. |
Requested Power BI semantic model refresh from external app | RefreshDatasetFromExternalApplication | |
Requested Power BI semantic model refresh | RefreshDataset | |
Requested SAS token for Power BI storage | AcquireStorageSASFromExternalApplication | |
Requested account key for Power BI storage | AcquireStorageAccountKey | |
Restore container | RestoreContainer | OneLake operation. |
Restore deleted workspace | RestoreWorkspaceViaAdminApi | Restores the deleted workspace |
Restored Power BI workspace | RestoreWorkspace | |
Resume Suspended Datamart | ResumeSuspendedDatamart | |
Resume Suspended Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse | ResumeSuspendedSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouse | Resumed a suspended lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint. Previously named Resumed a suspended default warehouse (Operation name: ResumeSuspendedDefaultWarehouse) |
Resume Suspended Warehouse | ResumeSuspendedWarehouse | |
Resume suspended mounted warehouse | ResumeSuspendedMountedWarehouse | Generated when a suspended mounted warehouse is resumed |
Retrieved Power BI app users | GetAppUsersAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI apps for user | GetUserAppsAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI apps | GetAppsAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI capacities for user | GetUserCapacitiesAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI capacity users | GetCapacityUsersAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI dashboard tiles | GetDashboardTilesAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI dashboard users | GetDashboardUsersAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI dashboards for user | GetUserDashboardsAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI dashboards | GetDashboardsAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI data sources for user | GetUserDatasourcesAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI dataflows for user | GetUserDataflowsAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI dataflows | GetDataflowsAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI gateway cluster datasource | GetGatewayClusterDatasource | |
Retrieved Power BI gateway cluster datasources | GetGatewayClusterDatasources | |
Retrieved Power BI gateway datasource users | GetDatasourceUsersAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI gateway tenant key | GetGatewayTenantKeys | |
Retrieved Power BI gateway tenant policy | GetGatewayTenantPolicy | |
Retrieved Power BI gateway users | GetGatewayUsersAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI gateways for user | GetUserGatewaysAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI group users | GetGroupUsersAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI groups for user | GetUserGroupsAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI imports | GetImportsAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI metric value | GetGoalValue | |
Retrieved Power BI metric | GetGoal | |
Retrieved Power BI refresh history | GetRefreshHistory | |
Retrieved Power BI refreshable by ID | GetRefreshablesForRefreshIdAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI refreshables for capacity | GetRefreshablesForCapacityAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI refreshables | GetRefreshablesAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI report users | GetReportUsersAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI reports for user | GetUserReportsAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI scorecard by using report ID | GetScorecardByReportId | |
Retrieved Power BI scorecard | GetScorecard | |
Retrieved Power BI semantic models for user | GetUserDatasetsAsAdmin | Not currently used |
Retrieved Power BI semantic models | GetDatasetsAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI tenant keys | GetTenantKeysAsAdmin | |
Retrieved Power BI workspaces | GetWorkspaces | |
Retrieved a model from Power BI | GetPowerBIDataModel | A user opens the Open data model experience or resyncs a data model. |
Retrieved all Power BI gateway cluster datasources | GetAllGatewayClusterDatasources | |
Retrieved all supported datasources for Power BI gateway cluster | GetGatewayClusterSupportedDatasources | |
Retrieved allowed Power BI gateway regions | GetGatewayRegions | |
Retrieved authentication details for Power BI gateway cluster datasource | GetGatewayClusterDatasourceOAuthDetails | |
Retrieved data sources from Power BI dataflow | GetDataflowDatasourcesAsAdmin | |
Retrieved data sources from Power BI semantic model | GetDatasetDatasourcesAsAdmin | |
Retrieved links between semantic models and dataflows | GetDatasetToDataflowsLinksAsAdmin | |
Retrieved list of Power BI gateway installer principals | GetGatewayInstallerPrincipals | |
Retrieved list of datasource users for Power BI gateway cluster | GetGatewayClusterDatasourceUsers | |
Retrieved list of modified workspaces in Power BI tenant | GetModifiedWorkspacesAPI | |
Retrieved member status of Power BI gateway cluster | GetGatewayClusterMemberStatus | |
Retrieved metrics of Power BI scorecard | GetGoalsForScorecard | |
Retrieved multiple Power BI gateway clusters | GetGatewayClusters | |
Retrieved multiple Power BI metric values | GetGoalValues | |
Retrieved multiple Power BI scorecards | GetScorecards | |
Retrieved scan result in Power BI tenant | GetWorkspacesInfoResult | |
Retrieved snapshots for user in Power BI tenant | GetSnapshots | Generated when user retrieves snapshots that describe a semantic model such as when a user visits the data hub |
Retrieved status of Power BI gateway cluster datasource | GetGatewayClusterDatasourceStatus | |
Retrieved status of Power BI gateway cluster | GetGatewayClusterStatus | |
Retrieved upstream dataflows from Power BI dataflow | GetDataflowUpstreamDataflowsAsAdmin | |
Retry lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint creation for a Lakehouse | RetryLakehouseSqlEndpointCreation | Retry SQL endpoint creation for a Lakehouse |
Revoke an external data share | RevokeExternalDataShare | Revoke an external data share |
Rotate Tenant Key | RotateTenantKey | |
Rotated Power BI gateway tenant key | RotateTenantKeyEncryptionKey | |
Run Artifact | RunArtifact | |
Save Model Diagram Layouts | SavePowerBIDataModelDiagramLayouts | Save diagram layouts after update data model in web model view. |
Saved an autogenerated report to Power BI | SaveAutogeneratedReport | After exploring an autogenerated Power BI report in an external application, a user saved it to the Power BI service. |
Saved an autogenerated semantic model to Power BI | SaveAutogeneratedDataset | After exploring an autogenerated Power BI semantic model in an external application, a user saved it to the Power BI service. |
Schedule Artifact | ScheduleArtifact | |
Sent a scan request in Power BI tenant | GetWorkspacesInfoAPI | |
Set Capacity Tenant Key | SetCapacityTenantKey | |
Set D Q Refresh Schedule Of Dataset | SetDQRefreshScheduleOfDataset | |
Set DirectQuery Refresh Schedule Of Dateset | SetDQRefreshScheduleOfDateset | |
Set Lakehouse Endorsement | SetLakehouseEndorsement | |
Set Lakehouse Sensitivity Label | SetLakehouseSensitivityLabel | |
Set Model Refresh Schedule Of Dateset | SetModelRefreshScheduleOfDateset | |
Set Model Refresh Schedule Of Dataset | SetModelRefreshScheduleOfDataset | |
Set Notebook Default Lakehouse | SetNotebookDefaultLakehouse | Set default lakehouse for notebook. |
Set Sjd Retry Policy | SetSjdRetryPolicy | |
Set access control for file | SetAccessControlForFile | OneLake operation. Sets permissions for a file. |
Set blob expiry | SetBlobExpiry | OneLake operation. Set the expiration time for a blob. |
Set blob metadata | SetBlobMetadata | OneLake operation. Set user-defined metadata for a blob. |
Set blob properties | SetBlobProperties | OneLake operation. Set system properties for a blob. |
Set blob tier | SetBlobTier | OneLake operation. Sets the tier of a blob. |
Set container ACL | SetContainerAcl | OneLake operation. Sets permissions for a workspace. |
Set container metadata | SetContainerMetadata | OneLake operation. Sets user-defined metadata for a workspace. |
Set dataflow storage location for a workspace | SetDataflowStorageLocationForWorkspace | |
Set file properties | SetFileProperties | OneLake operation. Set user-defined properties for a file. |
Set scheduled refresh on Power BI dataflow | SetScheduledRefreshOnDataflow | |
Set scheduled refresh on Power BI semantic model | SetScheduledRefresh | |
Share Artifact | ShareArtifact | |
Share Datamart | ShareDatamart | |
Share Lakehouse Table | ShareLakehouseTable | |
Share Warehouse | ShareWarehouse | |
Shared Power BI dashboard | ShareDashboard | |
Shared Power BI report | ShareReport | |
Shared Power BI semantic model | ShareDataset | |
Start Notebook Session | StartNotebookSession | |
Start Publish Environment | StartPublishEnvironment | Start publish environment |
Started Power BI extended trial | OptInForExtendedProTrial | Not currently used |
Started Power BI trial | OptInForProTrial | |
Stop Notebook Session | StopNotebookSession | |
Switch Branch Git | SwitchBranchInGit | Switch Branch Git is a workspace activity, which is generated when the user changes what git branch is connected to the workspace. |
Sync Dataset Query Scale-Out Replicas | SyncDatasetQueryScaleOutReplicas | Sync Dataset Query Scale-Out Replicas is a dataset activity, which is generated when users request a synchronization of the read replicas of a scale out-enabled Power BI dataset with its read/write replica. |
Take Over Email Subscription | TakeOverEmailSubscription | |
Tested Power BI gateway datasource connection with single sign-on | GatewayClusterDatasourceSSOTestConnection | |
Took over Power BI semantic model | TakeOverDataset | |
Took over a Power BI datasource | TakeOverDatasource | |
Took ownership of Power BI dataflow | TookOverDataflow | |
Trial License Extension | TrialLicenseExtension | Extend user trials by user list or tenant |
Unassign Workspace From Alm Pipeline | UnassignWorkspaceFromAlmPipeline | |
Undelete blob | UndeleteBlob | OneLake operation. Restore a soft deleted blob. |
Undo Git | UndoGit | Undo Git is an artifact activity, which is generated when users undo changes done to artifact. |
Unfollow Goal | UnfollowGoal | |
Unpublished Power BI app | UnpublishApp | |
Update Alm Pipeline Access As Admin | UpdateAlmPipelineAccessAsAdmin | |
Update Alm Pipeline | UpdateAlmPipeline | |
Update Artifact | UpdateArtifact | |
Update Byo Resource Access | UpdateByoResourceAccess | |
Update Capacity Delegation settings | UpdateCapacityTenantSettingDelegation | Update Capacity delegation settings. |
Update Data Sharing | UpdateDataSharing | Update an existing external data share |
Update Datamart Metadata | UpdateDatamartMetadata | |
Update Datamart Settings | UpdateDatamartSettings | |
Update Datamart | UpdateDatamart | |
Update Dataset Parameters | UpdateDatasetParametersForSolution | Update Dataset Parameters is a dataset activity, which is generated when updates are made to a Power BI Dataset parameters |
Update Dataset | UpdateDataset | Update Dataset is a dataset activity, which is generated when users updated the properties of a Power BI dataset. |
Update Default Domain | UpdateDefaultDataDomainAsAdmin | Update Default Domain |
Update Default Personal Workspace Capacity | UpdateDefaultPersonalWorkspaceCapacity | |
Update Domain Access Permissions | UpdateDataDomainAccessAsAdmin | Update Data Domain Access Permissions |
Update Domain Branding | UpdateDataDomainBrandingAsAdmin | Update Domain Branding |
Update Domain Contributors Scope | UpdateDataDomainContributorsScopeAsAdmin | Update Domain Contributors Scope |
Update Domain Delegation settings | UpdateDomainTenantSettingDelegation | Update Domain Delegation settings. |
Update Domain | UpdateDataDomainAsAdmin | Update Domain |
Update Domain's Folders Relations As Contributor | UpdateDataDomainFoldersRelationsAsContributor | Update Domain's Folders Relations As Contributor |
Update Domain's Folders Relations | UpdateDataDomainFoldersRelationsAsAdmin | Update Domain's Folders Relations |
Update Environment Resource | UpdateEnvironmentResource | Update resources in environment |
Update Environment Spark Settings | UpdateEnvironmentSparkSettings | Update environment spark settings |
Update Experiment Run | UpdateExperimentRun | |
Update Folder Access | UpdateFolderAccess | Indicates an update to workspace access settings |
Update Folder | UpdateFolder | Indicates a workspace update |
Update From Git | UpdateFromGit | Update From Git is an artifact activity, which is generated when users update artifact from Git. |
Update Gateway Cluster Member | UpdateGatewayClusterMember | |
Update Gateway Installer Principals | UpdateGatewayInstallerPrincipals | |
Update Gateway Tenant Policy | UpdateGatewayTenantPolicy | |
Update Goal Connection Settings | UpdateGoalConnectionSettings | |
Update Goal Current Value Connection Owner | UpdateGoalCurrentValueConnectionOwner | |
Update Goal Target Value Connection Owner | UpdateGoalTargetValueConnectionOwner | |
Update Goals | UpdateGoals | |
Update Group | UpdateGroup | |
Update Hierarchy Goal Value | UpdateHierarchyGoalValue | |
Update Hierarchy Note | UpdateHierarchyNote | |
Update In Place Sharing Settings | UpdateInPlaceSharingSettings | |
Update MetricSet Metric Endpoint | UpdateMetricSetMetric | Update metric in a metricset endpoint |
Update Notebook Library | UpdateNotebookLibrary | |
Update Notebook Resource | UpdateNotebookResource | Update resources in notebook. |
Update Notebook Spark Property | UpdateNotebookSparkProperty | |
Update Notification Settings | UpdateNotificationSettings | Update user notification settings for Notification Service Platform. |
Update Report Content | UpdateReportContent | |
Update Scorecard Dataset | UpdateScorecardDataset | |
Update Scorecard Hierarchy | UpdateScorecardHierarchy | |
Update Scorecard View | UpdateScorecardView | |
Update Semantic Metric Endpoint | UpdateSemanticMetric | Update standalone semantic metric endpoint |
Update Service Principal Profile | UpdateServicePrincipalProfile | |
Update Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse Settings | UpdateSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseSettings | Updated settings for a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint. Previously named Updated a default warehouse (Operation name: UpdateDefaultWarehouse) |
Update Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse | UpdateSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouse | Updated a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint |
Update USEC roles for an artifact | UpdateArtifactRoles | OneLake operation. |
Update Virtual Network | UpdateVirtualNetwork | |
Update Warehouse Metadata | UpdateWarehouseMetadata | |
Update Warehouse Settings | UpdateWarehouseSettings | |
Update Warehouse | UpdateWarehouse | |
Update Workspace Delegation settings | UpdateWorkspaceTenantSettingDelegation | Update Workspace Delegation settings. |
Update capacity resource governance settings | UpdateCapacityResourceGovernanceSettings | Not currently in Microsoft 365 admin center |
Update datasource share policy | UpdateDatasourceShareTenantPolicy | Set the datasource share policy set by the tenant |
Update list of users part of the datasource share policy | UpdateDatasourceSharePrincipalsPolicy | Set the datasource share principals that are part of policy set by the tenant |
Update mounted warehouse settings | UpdateMountedWarehouseSettings | Generated when mounted warehouse settings are updated |
Update mounted warehouse | UpdateMountedWarehouse | Generated when mounted warehouse is updated |
Update source in GraphQL artifact | UpdateSourceGraphQL | Update source in GraphQL artifact |
Update subfolder | UpdateSubfolder | |
Update task flow | UpdateTaskFlow | |
Update the current set of DLP policies applied on the Tenant | UpdateTenantDlpPolicies | Update the current set of DLP policies applied on the Tenant |
Update virtual network data gateway proxy | UpdateVirtualNetworkDataGatewayProxy | Update HTTP proxy for virtual network data gateway |
Update workspace role | UpdateWorkspaceRoleViaAdminApi | Update workspace role |
Updated Power BI access request settings | UpdateAccessRequestSettings | |
Updated Power BI app | UpdateApp | |
Updated Power BI dataflow | UpdateDataflow | |
Updated Power BI discoverable model settings | UpdateDiscoverableModelSettings | Generated when a report is set to feature on home |
Updated Power BI email subscription | UpdateEmailSubscription | |
Updated Power BI gateway cluster datasource | UpdateGatewayClusterDatasource | |
Updated Power BI gateway data source credentials | UpdateDatasourceCredentials | |
Updated Power BI semantic model data sources | UpdateDatasources | |
Updated Power BI semantic model parameters | UpdateDatasetParameters | |
Updated Power BI workspace access | UpdateWorkspaceAccess | |
Updated Power BI workspace | UpdateWorkspace | |
Updated an organizational custom visual | UpdateOrganizationalGalleryItem | |
Updated capacity admin | UpdateCapacityAdmins | |
Updated capacity custom settings | UpdateCapacityCustomSettings | |
Updated capacity display name | UpdateCapacityDisplayName | |
Updated credentials for Power BI gateway cluster | UpdateGatewayClusterDatasourceCredentials | |
Updated dataflow storage assignment permissions | UpdatedDataflowStorageAssignmentPermissions | |
Updated deployment pipeline access | UpdateAlmPipelineAccess | |
Updated deployment pipeline configuration | SetConfigurationAlmPipeline | |
Updated featured tables | UpdateFeaturedTables | |
Updated organization's Power BI settings | UpdatedAdminFeatureSwitch | |
Updated parameters for installed Power BI template app | UpdateInstalledTemplateAppParameters | |
Updated settings for Power BI template app | UpdateTemplateAppSettings | |
Updated snapshots for user in Power BI tenant | UpdateSnapshot | Generated when user updates snapshots that describe their semantic models |
Updated testing permissions for Power BI template app | UpdateTemplateAppTestPackagePermissions | |
Updated the Power BI datasource | UpdateDatasource | |
Updated the Power BI gateway | UpdateGateway | |
Updated workspace Analysis Services settings | SetASSeverPropertyOnWorkspaceFromExternalApplicationDetailedInfo | Not currently used |
Upgrade Workspace | UpgradeWorkspace | |
Upgrade Workspaces As Admin | UpgradeWorkspacesAsAdmin | |
Upload workload package | ExtensibilityUploadPackage | Upload a workload package in a tenant |
Upsert Datamart Parameters | UpsertDatamartParameters | |
Upsert Goal Current Value Rollup | UpsertGoalCurrentValueRollup | |
Upsert Goal Status Rules | UpsertGoalStatusRules | |
Upsert Goal Target Value Rollup | UpsertGoalTargetValueRollup | |
Upsert Goal Values | UpsertGoalValues | |
Upsert Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse Parameters | UpsertSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouseParameters | Upserted parameters for a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint. Previously named Updated parameters from a default warehouse (Operation name: UpsertDefaultWarehouseParameters) |
Upsert Warehouse Parameters | UpsertWarehouseParameters | |
Upsert mounted warehouse parameters | UpsertMountedWarehouseParameters | Generated when mounted warehouse parameters are added or updated |
Used Power BI to explore data in an external application | ExploreDataExternally | Someone used Power BI to explore their data in an external application. |
View Datamart | ViewDatamart | |
View Spark App Input Output | ViewSparkAppInputOutput | |
View Spark App Log | ViewSparkAppLog | |
View Spark Application | ViewSparkApplication | |
View Sql Analytics Endpoint Lakehouse | ViewSqlAnalyticsEndpointLakehouse | Viewed a lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint. Previously named Viewed a default warehouse (Operation name: ViewDefaultWarehouse) |
View Warehouse | ViewWarehouse | |
View mounted warehouse | ViewMountedWarehouse | Generated when mounted warehouse is fetched for viewing |
Viewed Power BI dashboard | ViewDashboard | Some fields such as CapacityID and CapacityName, will return null if the report or dashboard is viewed from a Power BI app, rather than a Power BI workspace |
Viewed Power BI dataflow | ViewDataflow | |
Viewed Power BI metadata | ViewMetadata | |
Viewed Power BI report | ViewReport | A report is also generated per page when exporting a report. Some fields such as CapacityID and CapacityName, will return null if the report or dashboard is viewed from a Power BI app, rather than a Power BI workspace. |
Viewed Power BI tile | ViewTile | |
Viewed Power BI usage metrics | ViewUsageMetrics | |
disable workspace | DisableWorkspaceViaAdminApi | Disables the workspace |
Considerations and limitations
When capacity ID and capacity name aren't available in the audit logs, you can view them in the Microsoft Fabric Capacity Metrics app.